

    I installed analysis services/ reporting services on SQL 2014 server and then restored databases -report server and report server tempDB and also restored the analysis databases from SQL 2012 server.

    The issue I am now facing is while configuring SSRS reports and giving a connection string as below :

    Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Data Source=xx;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=xx

    I am selecting option : Credentials stored securely in the report server, and then entering user name and password.

    See screen shot below:

    Once I enter them and then click on test connection an error comes like this:

    Either the user, NDOMAIN\SVCACC, does not have access to the XXMart database, or the database does not exist. (rsAdomdDataProviderError)

    I checked permissions of NDOMAIN\SVCACC under security of both Analysis services and the XXMart database and permissions are good and the login is mapped correctly.

    Does any of you have a clue of what this can be?




  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • Make that user sysadmin, and see what happens.

    If it runs, then it's something with permissions,


    If it fails, then it's something with the configuration of SSRS/SSAS


    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • Thanks for response. I tried with SYS Admin access but same. Actually I restored the databases from SQL 2012 to a SQL 2014 server. Including report databases and the encryption key. the permissions are the same when compared on both old and new.

  • Some details :

    I am configuring SCSM report on SQL SSRS server. For the multimart Data Source I selected Microsoft Analysis Services - as data source type and connection string given as below :

    <root><source id='DWDataMart' connectionString='Data Source=db;Initial Catalog=DWDataMart;Integrated Security=True' /><source id='OMDataMart' connectionString='Data Source=db;Initial Catalog=OMDWDataMart;Integrated Security=True' /><source id='CMDataMart' connectionString='Data Source=db;Initial Catalog=CMDWDataMart;Integrated Security=True' /></root>


    I am not sure if the above connection string is correct syntax ?



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