Standby / Trn Log Shipping - Few Questions

  • Hello

    Environment : SQL Server 2005 CE , Win 2003

    I am new to SQL Server and has currently set up a (Production) Standby db. I have a few questions ; Would appreciate if someone can provide with inputs.

    Q1. Other than looking at the log how to find out what what was the LAST Trn log file applied? Is there any system view which will tell me what logs are applied and what NOT applied? The reason i am asking is i can generate a dynamic sql script to do the applying at the standby instead of doing it manually.

    Q2. How to find out what is the Start LSN and End LSN for a log file?

    Q3. After a planned maintenance / downtime how to speeden up applying of the log? Currently i have set up 5 minutes gap and it seems to be applying only 12 files in an hour and does not seem to be catching up. Am i missing something?


  • Found answer to Question 2 .

    "backupset" is the view (in msdb)

    select database_name, backup_finish_date

    , type, [name], user_name, first_lsn, last_lsn, * from backupset

    where database_name = 'YOUR_DATABASE_NAME_HERE'

    order by 2

    But this doesn't seem to indicate if it was successfully applied at the standby site.

  • If you decide to generate your log file restore commands's a script found awhile back that does it.

    This procedure uses the MSDB backup tables, and will generate the basic disk RESTORE commands for a database. It will include the Full, differential and all associated log recovery commands for you. Run the stored proc in Query Analyser then copy/alter the output to recover your DB.

    I have attached a copy of this procedure which will be pushed to all our servers.

    This is great if using Enterprise Manager is not your cup of tea.

    Note: Always TEST before you use this recover.

    How to Use:

    -- Generates script starting from the last FULL backup between the two dates below using a stat recalc of 40 for Interface_Manager

    Exec sp_GenRestoreDBScript 'Interface_Manager', 'Nov 21, 2005 9:00 AM', 'Nov 22, 2005 10:00 PM', 40


    -- Generates script to restore DB to 'Nov 22, 2002 11:45 AM' using available log files

    Exec sp_GenRestoreDBScript 'Interface_Manager', Nov 21, 2005 9:10 AM', Nov 22, 2005 9:20 AM', 40, 'Nov 22, 2005 11:45 AM'

    CREATE procedure sp_GenRestoreDBScript @p_dbname varchar(50), @p_datetime datetime, @p_usefullbackupend datetime, @p_stats varchar(20) = 10, @p_stopat datetime = null as



    -- Name: sp_GenRestoreDBScript


    -- Parameters

    -- @p_dbname Database to generate restore scripts for

    -- @p_datetime Start time to search for last FULL backup

    -- @p_usefullbackupend End time to search for last FULL backup

    -- @p_stats display STATS (default 10%)

    -- @p_stopat For Point In Time (PTR) recovery, date which to recover to


    -- Current Restrictions

    -- 1) doesnt factor in more than 1 device, only works of FROM DISK=

    -- 2) doesnt work with the TAPE option

    -- 3) doesnt restore specific FILE or FILEGROUPS

    -- 4) doesnt restore to a specific MARK, only STOPAT

    -- 5) not tested for replicated or clustered databases

    -- How it works

    -- 1) locates a FULL backup between @p_datetime and @p_usefullbackupend

    -- 2) locates any differentials and log backups associated with this FULL (by locating the next FULL backup after the one it found and using anything between these for the DB)

    -- 3) supports multiple appended backups to a single backup device (file)

    -- 4) will script the FULL backup, then the last DIFFERENTIAL then all LOGs after this differential, finally doing a WITH RECOVERY for the last LOG or full/differential (whater the last backup type was)

    -- Examples


    -- Generates script starting from the last FULL backup between the two dates below using a stat recalc of 40 for DB tmp

    -- exec sp_GenRestoreDBScript 'tmpdb', 'Nov 22, 2005 9:00 AM', 'Nov 22, 2002 10:00 PM', 40


    -- Generates script to restore DB to 'Nov 22, 2005 11:45 AM' using available log files

    -- exec sp_GenRestoreDBScript 'tmpdb', 'Nov 21, 2005 9:10 AM', 'Nov 22, 2005 9:20 AM', 40, 'Nov 22, 2005 11:45 AM'

    DECLARE @v_lastfullbackup INTEGER

    DECLARE @v_nextdayfullbackup INTEGER

    DECLARE @v_lastdiffbackup INTEGER

    DECLARE @v_lastlogbackup INTEGER

    DECLARE @v_logfilestopat VARCHAR(100)

    DECLARE @v_restoreoptions_all_db VARCHAR(150)

    DECLARE @v_error VARCHAR(150)

    -- Locate last backup details for the database

    -- the @p_datetime defines the FULL backup file to be restored from (last file is always used for the particular date)

    set @v_lastfullbackup = (select max(BKS.backup_set_id) from msdb.dbo.backupset BKS where BKS.database_name = @p_dbname and BKS.backup_start_date >= @p_datetime and BKS.backup_start_date <= @p_usefullbackupend and BKS.type = 'D')

    set @v_nextdayfullbackup = (select min(BKS.backup_set_id) from msdb.dbo.backupset BKS where BKS.database_name = @p_dbname and BKS.backup_start_date >= @p_usefullbackupend and BKS.type = 'D')

    -- ensures restore doesnt use files assoc with next full backup (if any)

    if @v_nextdayfullbackup is null or @v_nextdayfullbackup = ''

    set @v_nextdayfullbackup = 99999999

    set @v_lastdiffbackup = (select max(BKS.backup_set_id) from msdb.dbo.backupset BKS where BKS.database_name = @p_dbname and BKS.backup_start_date >= @p_datetime and BKS.backup_start_date <= @p_usefullbackupend and BKS.type = 'I' and BKS.backup_set_id < @v_nextdayfullbackup)

    set @v_lastlogbackup = (select max(BKS.backup_set_id) from msdb.dbo.backupset BKS where BKS.database_name = @p_dbname and BKS.backup_start_date >= @p_datetime and BKS.backup_start_date <= @p_usefullbackupend and BKS.type = 'L' and BKS.backup_set_id < @v_nextdayfullbackup)

    -- Set restore options


    if @p_stats is not null and isnumeric(@p_stats) = 1 and @p_stats between 1 and 100

    set @v_restoreoptions_all_db = ', STATS = ' + cast(@p_stats as varchar)

    else begin

    raiserror('Invalid STATS parameter. Numeric values from 1 to 100 only.', 16,1)

    return 1


    if @p_stopat is not null begin

    set @v_logfilestopat = ', STOPAT = ''' + cast(@p_stopat as varchar) + ''''

    -- set max log file to where we need to stop

    set @v_lastlogbackup = (select max(BKS.backup_set_id) from msdb.dbo.backupset BKS where BKS.database_name = @p_dbname and BKS.backup_set_id > @v_lastfullbackup and BKS.backup_set_id < @v_nextdayfullbackup and BKS.type = 'L' and @p_stopat between backup_start_date and backup_finish_date)

    if @v_lastlogbackup is null or @v_lastlogbackup = '' begin

    raiserror('Invalid STOP AT date. No log files exist or date does not fit in specific log backup range.', 16,1)

    return 1



    -- ##########################################################

    -- Generated script of recover commands for a given DB name and date

    -- Step 1. FULL database recovery

    -- ##########################################################

    print '-- Recover last full database backup'


    'RESTORE DATABASE [' + BKS.database_name + '] ' +

    'FROM DISK = ''' + BMF.physical_device_name + ''' ' +

    'WITH FILE = ' + cast(position as varchar) +

    + @v_restoreoptions_all_db +

    case when

    (select count(*)

    from msdb.dbo.backupset BKS2

    where BKS.database_name = BKS2.database_name

    and BKS2.backup_start_date > BKS.backup_start_date

    and BKS2.type in ('L', 'I')) >= 1




    ', RECOVERY'



    msdb.dbo.backupset BKS, msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily BMF


    BKS.backup_set_id = @v_lastfullbackup

    and BKS.media_set_id = BMF.media_set_id

    and BKS.database_name = @p_dbname

    and BKS.backup_start_date >= @p_datetime

    and BKS.type = 'D' -- full backup

    IF @@rowcount <= 0 BEGIN

    set @v_error = 'ERROR - Could not find any full backups made during the day specified - ' + CAST(@p_datetime AS VARCHAR)

    raiserror(@v_error, 16,1)

    return 1


    -- ##########################################################

    -- Step 2. DIFFERENTIAL database recovery

    -- ##########################################################

    print '-- Recover last differential'


    'RESTORE DATABASE [' + BKS.database_name + '] ' +

    'FROM DISK = ''' + BMF.physical_device_name + ''' ' +

    'WITH FILE = ' + cast(position as varchar) +

    + @v_restoreoptions_all_db +

    case when

    (select count(*)

    from msdb.dbo.backupset BKS2

    where BKS.database_name = BKS2.database_name

    and BKS2.backup_start_date > BKS.backup_start_date

    and BKS2.type in ('L')) >= 1




    ', RECOVERY'



    msdb.dbo.backupset BKS, msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily BMF


    BKS.backup_set_id = @v_lastdiffbackup

    and BKS.backup_set_id > @v_lastfullbackup

    and BKS.media_set_id = BMF.media_set_id

    and BKS.database_name = @p_dbname

    and BKS.backup_start_date >= @p_datetime

    and BKS.type = 'I' -- differential backup

    -- ##########################################################

    -- Step 3. LOG file recovery (not including last log)

    -- ##########################################################

    print '-- Recover log files (not including last log)'

    -- if there is a last diff backup, then gets logs after this backup, otherwise logs only after the full

    IF @v_lastdiffbackup is not null


    'RESTORE LOG [' + BKS.database_name + '] ' +

    'FROM DISK = ''' + BMF.physical_device_name + ''' ' +

    'WITH FILE = ' + cast(position as varchar) +

    + @v_restoreoptions_all_db +



    msdb.dbo.backupset BKS, msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily BMF


    BKS.backup_set_id < @v_lastlogbackup

    and BKS.backup_set_id > @v_lastdiffbackup

    and BKS.backup_set_id < @v_nextdayfullbackup

    and BKS.media_set_id = BMF.media_set_id

    and BKS.database_name = @p_dbname

    and BKS.backup_start_date >= @p_datetime

    and BKS.type = 'L' -- log



    'RESTORE LOG [' + BKS.database_name + '] ' +

    'FROM DISK = ''' + BMF.physical_device_name + ''' ' +

    'WITH FILE = ' + cast(position as varchar) +

    + @v_restoreoptions_all_db +



    msdb.dbo.backupset BKS, msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily BMF


    BKS.backup_set_id < @v_lastlogbackup

    and BKS.backup_set_id > @v_lastfullbackup

    and BKS.backup_set_id < @v_nextdayfullbackup

    and BKS.media_set_id = BMF.media_set_id

    and BKS.database_name = @p_dbname

    and BKS.backup_start_date >= @p_datetime

    and BKS.type = 'L' -- log

    -- ##########################################################

    -- Step 4. LOG file recovery (last file)

    -- ##########################################################

    print '-- Recover last log file'


    'RESTORE LOG [' + BKS.database_name + '] ' +

    'FROM DISK = ''' + BMF.physical_device_name + ''' ' +

    'WITH FILE = ' + cast(position as varchar) +

    + @v_restoreoptions_all_db +

    case when @v_logfilestopat is null then

    ', RECOVERY'


    @v_logfilestopat +

    ', RECOVERY'



    msdb.dbo.backupset BKS, msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily BMF--, msdb.dbo.backupfile BF


    BKS.backup_set_id = @v_lastlogbackup

    and BKS.media_set_id = BMF.media_set_id

    and BKS.database_name = @p_dbname

    and BKS.backup_start_date >= @p_datetime

    and BKS.type = 'L' -- log


    CREATE procedure sp_GenRestoreDBScript_SLS @p_dbname varchar(50), @p_datetime datetime,

    @p_usefullbackupend datetime, @p_stats varchar(20) = 10, @p_stopat datetime = null as



    -- Name: sp_GenRestoreDBScript_SLS


    -- Parameters

    -- @p_dbname Database to generate restore scripts for

    -- @p_datetime Start time to search for last FULL backup

    -- @p_usefullbackupend End time to search for last FULL backup

    -- @p_stats display STATS (default 10%)

    -- @p_stopat For Point In Time (PTR) recovery, date which to recover to


    -- Current Restrictions

    -- 1) doesnt factor in more than 1 device, only works of FROM DISK=

    -- 2) doesnt work with the TAPE option

    -- 3) doesnt restore specific FILE or FILEGROUPS

    -- 4) doesnt restore to a specific MARK, only STOPAT

    -- 5) not tested for replicated or clustered databases

    -- How it works

    -- 1) locates a FULL backup between @p_datetime and @p_usefullbackupend

    -- 2) locates any differentials and log backups associated with this FULL (by locating the next FULL backup after the one it found and using anything between these for the DB)

    -- 3) supports multiple appended backups to a single backup device (file)

    -- 4) will script the FULL backup, then the last DIFFERENTIAL then all LOGs after this differential, finally doing a WITH RECOVERY for the last LOG or full/differential (whater the last backup type was)

    -- Examples


    -- Generates script starting from the last FULL backup between the two dates below using a stat recalc of 40 for DB tmp

    -- exec sp_GenRestoreDBScript 'tmpdb', 'Nov 22, 2005 9:00 AM', 'Nov 22, 2002 10:00 PM', 40


    -- Generates script to restore DB to 'Nov 22, 2005 11:45 AM' using available log files

    -- exec sp_GenRestoreDBScript 'tmpdb', 'Nov 21, 2005 9:10 AM', 'Nov 22, 2005 9:20 AM', 40, 'Nov 22, 2005 11:45 AM'

    DECLARE @v_lastfullbackup INTEGER

    DECLARE @v_nextdayfullbackup INTEGER

    DECLARE @v_lastdiffbackup INTEGER

    DECLARE @v_lastlogbackup INTEGER

    DECLARE @v_logfilestopat VARCHAR(100)

    DECLARE @v_restoreoptions_all_db VARCHAR(150)

    DECLARE @v_error VARCHAR(150)

    -- Locate last backup details for the database

    -- the @p_datetime defines the FULL backup file to be restored from (last file is always used for the particular date)

    set @v_lastfullbackup = (select max(BKS.backup_set_id) from msdb.dbo.backupset BKS where BKS.database_name = @p_dbname and BKS.backup_start_date >= @p_datetime and BKS.backup_start_date <= @p_usefullbackupend and BKS.type = 'D')

    set @v_nextdayfullbackup = (select min(BKS.backup_set_id) from msdb.dbo.backupset BKS where BKS.database_name = @p_dbname and BKS.backup_start_date >= @p_usefullbackupend and BKS.type = 'D')

    -- ensures restore doesnt use files assoc with next full backup (if any)

    if @v_nextdayfullbackup is null or @v_nextdayfullbackup = ''

    set @v_nextdayfullbackup = 99999999

    set @v_lastdiffbackup = (select max(BKS.backup_set_id) from msdb.dbo.backupset BKS where BKS.database_name = @p_dbname and BKS.backup_start_date >= @p_datetime and BKS.backup_start_date <= @p_usefullbackupend and BKS.type = 'I' and BKS.backup_set_id < @v_nextdayfullbackup)

    set @v_lastlogbackup = (select max(BKS.backup_set_id) from msdb.dbo.backupset BKS where BKS.database_name = @p_dbname and BKS.backup_start_date >= @p_datetime and BKS.backup_start_date <= @p_usefullbackupend and BKS.type = 'L' and BKS.backup_set_id < @v_nextdayfullbackup)

    -- Set restore options


    if @p_stats is not null and isnumeric(@p_stats) = 1 and @p_stats between 1 and 100

    set @v_restoreoptions_all_db = ', @with = ''STATS = ' + cast(@p_stats as varchar)+ ''''

    else begin

    raiserror('Invalid STATS parameter. Numeric values from 1 to 100 only.', 16,1)

    return 1


    if @p_stopat is not null begin

    set @v_logfilestopat = ', STOPAT = ''' + cast(@p_stopat as varchar) + ''''

    -- set max log file to where we need to stop

    set @v_lastlogbackup = (select max(BKS.backup_set_id) from msdb.dbo.backupset BKS where BKS.database_name = @p_dbname and BKS.backup_set_id > @v_lastfullbackup and BKS.backup_set_id < @v_nextdayfullbackup and BKS.type = 'L' and @p_stopat between backup_start_date and backup_finish_date)

    if @v_lastlogbackup is null or @v_lastlogbackup = '' begin

    raiserror('Invalid STOP AT date. No log files exist or date does not fit in specific log backup range.', 16,1)

    return 1



    -- ##########################################################

    -- Generated script of recover commands for a given DB name and date

    -- Step 1. FULL database recovery

    -- ##########################################################

    print '-- Recover last full database backup'


    'EXEC master.dbo.xp_Restore_database @database=[' + BKS.database_name + '] ' +

    '@Filename = ''' + BMF.physical_device_name + ''', ' +

    '@Filenumber = ' + cast(position as varchar) +

    + @v_restoreoptions_all_db +

    case when

    (select count(*)

    from msdb.dbo.backupset BKS2

    where BKS.database_name = BKS2.database_name

    and BKS2.backup_start_date > BKS.backup_start_date

    and BKS2.type in ('L', 'I')) >= 1


    ', @with = ''NORECOVERY'''


    ', @with = ''RECOVERY'''



    msdb.dbo.backupset BKS, msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily BMF


    BKS.backup_set_id = @v_lastfullbackup

    and BKS.media_set_id = BMF.media_set_id

    and BKS.database_name = @p_dbname

    and BKS.backup_start_date >= @p_datetime

    and BKS.type = 'D' -- full backup

    IF @@rowcount <= 0 BEGIN

    set @v_error = 'ERROR - Could not find any full backups made during the day specified - ' + CAST(@p_datetime AS VARCHAR)

    raiserror(@v_error, 16,1)

    return 1


    -- ##########################################################

    -- Step 2. DIFFERENTIAL database recovery

    -- ##########################################################

    print '-- Recover last differential'


    'EXEC master.dbo.xp_Restore_database @database=[' + BKS.database_name + '] ' +

    '@Filename = ''' + BMF.physical_device_name + ''', ' +

    '@Filenumber = ' + cast(position as varchar) +

    + @v_restoreoptions_all_db +

    case when

    (select count(*)

    from msdb.dbo.backupset BKS2

    where BKS.database_name = BKS2.database_name

    and BKS2.backup_start_date > BKS.backup_start_date

    and BKS2.type in ('L')) >= 1


    ', @with = ''NORECOVERY'''


    ', @with = ''RECOVERY'''



    msdb.dbo.backupset BKS, msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily BMF


    BKS.backup_set_id = @v_lastdiffbackup

    and BKS.backup_set_id > @v_lastfullbackup

    and BKS.media_set_id = BMF.media_set_id

    and BKS.database_name = @p_dbname

    and BKS.backup_start_date >= @p_datetime

    and BKS.type = 'I' -- differential backup

    -- ##########################################################

    -- Step 3. LOG file recovery (not including last log)

    -- ##########################################################

    print '-- Recover log files (not including last log)'

    -- if there is a last diff backup, then gets logs after this backup, otherwise logs only after the full

    IF @v_lastdiffbackup is not null


    'EXEC master.dbo.xp_restore_log @database=[' + BKS.database_name + '] ' +

    '@Filename = ''' + BMF.physical_device_name + ''', ' +

    '@Filenumber = ' + cast(position as varchar) +

    + @v_restoreoptions_all_db +

    ', @with = ''NORECOVERY'''


    msdb.dbo.backupset BKS, msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily BMF


    BKS.backup_set_id < @v_lastlogbackup

    and BKS.backup_set_id > @v_lastdiffbackup

    and BKS.backup_set_id < @v_nextdayfullbackup

    and BKS.media_set_id = BMF.media_set_id

    and BKS.database_name = @p_dbname

    and BKS.backup_start_date >= @p_datetime

    and BKS.type = 'L' -- log



    'EXEC master.dbo.xp_restore_log @database=[' + BKS.database_name + '] ' +

    '@Filename = ''' + BMF.physical_device_name + ''', ' +

    '@Filenumber = ' + cast(position as varchar) +

    + @v_restoreoptions_all_db +

    ', @with = ''NORECOVERY'''


    msdb.dbo.backupset BKS, msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily BMF


    BKS.backup_set_id < @v_lastlogbackup

    and BKS.backup_set_id > @v_lastfullbackup

    and BKS.backup_set_id < @v_nextdayfullbackup

    and BKS.media_set_id = BMF.media_set_id

    and BKS.database_name = @p_dbname

    and BKS.backup_start_date >= @p_datetime

    and BKS.type = 'L' -- log

    -- ##########################################################

    -- Step 4. LOG file recovery (last file)

    -- ##########################################################

    print '-- Recover last log file'


    'EXEC master.dbo.xp_restore_log @database=[' + BKS.database_name + '] ' +

    '@Filename = ''' + BMF.physical_device_name + ''', ' +

    '@Filenumber = ' + cast(position as varchar) +

    + @v_restoreoptions_all_db +

    case when @v_logfilestopat is null then

    ', @with = ''RECOVERY'''


    @v_logfilestopat +

    ', @with = ''RECOVERY'''



    msdb.dbo.backupset BKS, msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily BMF--, msdb.dbo.backupfile BF


    BKS.backup_set_id = @v_lastlogbackup

    and BKS.media_set_id = BMF.media_set_id

    and BKS.database_name = @p_dbname

    and BKS.backup_start_date >= @p_datetime

    and BKS.type = 'L' -- log


  • Keep in mind that your standby server logs should be loaded with a delay (a good tiemframe is 2 hours). Continue the backups and the copy's, but delay the load to the standby server for 120 minutes.

    This protects you in the event of data corruption. If someone trucates a large table or modifies the data incorrectly, you don't want the change immediatly applied to your standby server. Imagine a 400Gig database needing to be restored because code didn't include a where clause? You'd have 2 corrupt 400Gig databases.

    To recover from data error: immediately stop the job that performs the log restore on standby. Find the approximate time the corruption occurred and apply the log on standby with a STOP AT command--stopping immediately prior to applying the error.

    On heavily used systems, I've found that 2 hours is ample time for someone to be notified about data corruption.

  • Hi Janet,

    Where do you set the delay time in SQL 2005? I've been looking for that but haven't found it.

    Appreciate the help.


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