Starting a DTS package from s Store Procedure

  • Dear All,

    I am trying to start a DTS package from a Store procedure. It doesn't like the 'LoadFromSQLServer' command. Can anyone tell me what is wrong ?

    Here is the code

    DECLARE @hPkg int

    DECLARE @hResult int

    DECLARE @sPackageName varchar(255)

    DECLARE @sServerName varchar(255)

    DECLARE @sServerUserName varchar(255)

    DECLARE @sServerPassword varchar(255)

    DECLARE @sMethod varchar(255)

    DECLARE @lFlags int

    DECLARE @src varchar(40)

    DECLARE @desc varchar(100)

    SET @sPackageName = 'A'

    SET @sServerName = 'INVESTMENTS1'

    SET @sMethod = ''

    SET @sServerUserName = ''

    SET @sServerPassword = ''

    SET @lFlags = 256

    EXEC @hResult = sp_OACreate 'DTS.Package', @hPkg OUT

    if @hResult <> 0

    Print 'Cannot Create'


    Print 'Created'

    SET @sMethod = 'LoadFromSQLServer'

    EXEC @hResult = sp_OAMethod @hPkg, @sMethod, NULL,

    @sServerName, @sServerUserName, @sServerPassword, @lFlags, 'A'

    IF @hResult <> 0


    EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo NULL, @src OUT, @desc OUT

    SELECT Info = 'Method - '+@sMethod, Source = @src, Description = @desc



    Print 'It Worked'

    EXEC @hResult = sp_OADestroy @hPkg



  • I don't know what is wrong with this code. However when I choose to run a DTS package from a stored proc, I use xp_cmdshell to do it.

  • A thought,

    I notice you are not supplying a Username / Password.

    Try ommiting those 2 from the code.

    I have fired a DTS from a proc many a times and I always use this example:

    -- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    DECLARE @objPackage int

    DECLARE @PackageName varchar(128)

    DECLARE @rc int

    DECLARE @ServerName varchar(128)

    DECLARE @DatabaseName varchar(128)

    SET @PackageName = 'XXX_xxxxxxxx'

    SET @ServerName = @@ServerName

    exec sp_OACreate 'DTS.Package', @objPackage output

    exec @rc = sp_OAMethod @objPackage, 'LoadFromSQLServer' , null, @ServerName = @ServerName, @Flags = 256, @PackageName = @PackageName

    exec @rc = sp_OASetProperty @objPackage,'GlobalVariables("strFileString").value', @FileName

    exec @rc = sp_OASetProperty @objPackage,'GlobalVariables("InfoID").value', @infoID

    exec @rc = sp_OASetProperty @objPackage,'GlobalVariables("Fund").value', @Fund

    exec @rc = sp_OASetProperty @objPackage,'GlobalVariables("GroupID").value', @GroupID

    exec @rc = sp_OAMethod @objPackage, 'Execute'

    exec @rc = sp_OADestroy @objPackage

    -- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Justa thought to try.

    Could you post the actual error message you are getting?

  • Thanks for both of help, it now works.


  • Curious,

    What was it?

  • This is just the topic I was looking for! I've been tasked with something that (I think) could easily be solved by executing at DTS pkg via a stored proc, but I've never done it or seen it done.

    I used one of the code examples above but am not sure what I'm doing wrong?? The code executes without printing errors, but nothing happens.

    I put print statements to see what the value of the @rc variable. It printed a couple non zero values, which I know are errors but don't know what they mean Here is the code followed by the @rc values:

    DECLARE @objPackage int

    DECLARE @PackageName varchar(128)

    DECLARE @rc int

    DECLARE @ServerName varchar(128)

    DECLARE @DatabaseName varchar(128)

    SET @PackageName = 'create_dataset'

    SET @ServerName = @@ServerName

    exec sp_OACreate 'DTS.Package', @objPackage output

    exec @rc = sp_OAMethod @objPackage, 'LoadFromSQLServer' , null, @ServerName = @ServerName, @Flags = 256, @PackageName = @PackageName

    print @rc

    exec @rc = sp_OASetProperty @objPackage,'GlobalVariables("begin_date").value', '10/1/2003'

    print @rc

    exec @rc = sp_OASetProperty @objPackage,'GlobalVariables("end_date").value', '10/31/2003'

    print @rc

    exec @rc = sp_OASetProperty @objPackage,'GlobalVariables("org_id").value', 2031

    --exec @rc = sp_OASetProperty @objPackage,'GlobalVariables("GroupID").value', '1'

    print @rc

    exec @rc = sp_OAMethod @objPackage, 'Execute'

    print @rc

    exec @rc = sp_OADestroy @objPackage






  • What is happening in your back in your DTS?

    IS your DTS firing?

    Remember you might need to appropriate permissions to run your DTS package from the proc.

    Turn on Profiler and to help look at what is going on.

  • The package doesn't fire from running the stored proc. The package runs fine with I run it directly from DTS designer.

    Permissions shouldn't be a problem the way I have things set up.

  • Another good trick is to have the DTS save to an exceptions file.

    If the exceptions file is empty after you run it from the proc, chances are the DTS is not actually running due to an error before or during the connection to the DTS.

    If the DTS is transforming a file to table for example, the file must be properly permissioned for SQL server to access it.

  • I used the sp_OAGetErrorInfo to get a desc of the error code. On the sp_oamethod calling LoadFromSQLServer line, I get the error "OLE32.DLL has been loaded at the wrong address." This Dll is loaded on c:\winnt\system32. Do you know if it should be somewhere else? I'm doing all this from the server with sys admin privileges.

  • Cross,

    I think the error message from the sp_OAGetErrorInfo is misleading.

    I do not know if you can get accurate error on what is causing the package not to fire, can someone confirm this?

    I utilize the package exceptions to get a feel of the problem.

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