State County City Problem

  • Im dealing with address data, and based on the schema I have, I can't query to answer the following question: 'What county(s) is Birmingham, AL in?'

    Here is what I have:

    State2 table:

    StateID (Identity, primary key),

    Name (full state name)

    TwoLetterCode ('AL')


    CountyID (Identity, primary key),

    Name (full county name),

    StateID (from the State2 table)


    CityID (Identity, primary key)

    Name (full city name),

    StateID (from the State2 table)

    Foreign keys:

    County2.StateID to State2.StateID

    City.StateID to State2.StateID

    It so happens that Birmingham, AL is in two counties (so cities can cross county lines). In our data, there is one CityID for each StateID. Does the countyID need to be in the City table?

    What do I need to be able to determine what county(s) that a city resides in?

    Thank you for your help!


  • You need one extra table called CityCounties



    That's easier said than done. Doing that work for the entire US is not a small task. I'm guessing you'll have to buy that data somewhere.

  • Been there, done that. Have fun! 🙂

    Create Table dbo.Region


    RegionID int identity(1,1) NOT NULL,

    RegionName varchar(255) NOT NULL,

    RegionType tinyint NOT NULL


    Create Table dbo.RegionType


    RegionTypeID tinyint NOT NULL,

    RegionTypeDesc varchar(50) NOT NULL


    Create Table dbo.RegionHierarchy


    RegionIDParent int NOT NULL,

    RegionIDChild int NOT NULL


    INSERT INTO RegionType VALUES(1, 'State')

    INSERT INTO RegionType VALUES(2, 'City')

    INSERT INTO RegionType VALUES(3, 'County')

    INSERT INTO RegionType VALUES(4, 'Zip')

    You get the idea. I put records going both directions in the Hierarchy table.

    You have to realize that Zipcodes can reside in multiple Counties, and Cities. Cities can reside in multiple States and Counties.

    I also ended up creating separate City, State, and County tables as there were specific attributes for each of these Regions that I didn't put in my basic schema above. While this is in some ways duplicating the data, having a single RegionID for each region has been very benificial.

    Gary Johnson
    Sr Database Engineer

  • Gary provides a simple and effective solution. He also states that he also has added additional tables to handle unique entity data. There may be a couple more issues you may want to think about. First, I am not sure what you actually need this structure for. How you intend to use it may dictate some of your solution. Consider what is unique here. Only zip codes. Yes States are also unique but their names are not. They may also be used as county and city/town names. Counties are similar. They are unique to a state but Counties with the same name are found in multiple states. There names also show up as cities/towns. City names will show un in many states and on rare occassions can show up more than once in the same state. If I have not given you enough to think about Louisanna does not have counties. They have parishes so you may want/need an identifier for that, just something else to think about. Instead of using an identify column (I assume generated) as the primary key, you might consider using something like a geocode or Dunn&Bradstreet identifier as your primary key to guaranty uniqueness. In the long run this may be simpler. You can then relate them hierarchically, rationally or both. 🙂

  • Another thing to keep in mind, in a system like this, is that Texarkana (for example) is one city in two states. They have a street called, appropriately, "State Line".

    I get a flat-file of city, state, county, Zip, information from It's cheap and does for what I need. You might want to denormalize that way.

    Property of The Thread

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  • There are a few cities and towns in the US that are not in any county. The county fabric has holes. If I recall correctly the county fabric in Virginia is like this. One or two other states may be like this too.

    BTW if you're dealing with a street address it's going to be in one county or another. But one side of a street could be in one county and the opposite side in another.

  • Another thing to be aware of is that there are some zip codes that have addresses in two states.

  • Hiearchy can be a good thing... but I don't believe the op can change the structure of the tables. 😉

    CS... Please pardon me if I'm wrong, but this looks a whole lot like a homework problem. You'd probably get a better response if you posted what you've tried, so far.

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  • do you have a table structure for




  • do you have a table structure for




  • Greetings. I would recommend you investigate how the US Census Bureau handles geography. In fact, they already have a comprehensive coding for State/County/Place for the entire US, including areas not covered by all levels of geography - like Native American land, islands, etc. A good place to start is their Guide to State and Local Geography:

    You can find links to hierarchical diagrams, reference materials and other useful documents. You may find the article on ANSI codes of use:

    There is even a download page if you want to import there geographical codes:

    Working with a major municipal government which happens to fall within five separate counties, we run into these issues a lot.

    I would also caution you about using ZIP codes, as they are not really geographic areas but rather collections of postal carrier routes. In fact, the Census Bureau disclaims this on their page dealing with postal codes. US Postal Service builds their ZIP routes solely on business needs and cross city, county, even state lines with a single ZIP code.

    The DBA mantra should always be "know your data, know your data" so understanding these relationships is important before you make business decisions based upon them. ZIP codes were meant to facilitate mail delivery - that is all. For other types of business, particularly Public Safety (which we support) you need something different.

    I hope that this is useful to you.

    Good luck.


  • Please note: this thread started in 2008.


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  • The census web site has raw data available for download. The data for each state will have one master "Geo" file for geography info with a primary key called LOGRECNO and related data files with a forign key of the same name. Look for a column called Summary level or Sumlev. The Summary level for Counties is identified as 050, places (cities) is 160 etc. The County and place columns wil give you the County or Place or identifer, sometimes referred to as the FIPS Code. The "Name" column wil give you it's name. You can query the geo file to get your information.

    see the document below. Use the summary levels and other Geo identifying fields\columns will filter data accordingly. It is important to understand the table structures they use.

    Maybe this will help.

  • Great points in extending the data by everyone.

    If we're working with just the tables in the question, you could replace the StateID column in the City table with a CountyID column so that the structure is:

    State2 table:

    StateID (Identity, primary key),

    Name (full state name)

    TwoLetterCode ('AL')


    CountyID (Identity, primary key),

    Name (full county name),

    StateID (from the State2 table)


    CityID (Identity, primary key)

    Name (full city name),

    CountyID (from the County2 table, primary key)

    Foreign keys:

    County2.StateID to State2.StateID

    County2.CountyID to City.CountyID

  • Please note: 7 year old thread.

    Gail Shaw
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