Stopping SQL Server

  • Historically, i have always stopped SQL Server before restarting the server it sits on, just in case any long running transactions are taking place and to ensure no users are in the system before hand.

    if you just restart a server, or schedule reboots, could this cause a negative impact / cause data corruption?

    I would always argue do it manually so that

    -Health check can be done when SQL is back up, check integrity checks, sql has actually started, connections can be made

    -No long running transactions will be cut short

    -no updates will be rolled back

    -no extracts to CSV etc. will be corrupt

    I am interested to see other peopels thoughts

  • initiating an OS shutdown will still stop the sql instance cleanly. I've seen cases in the past where someone is rebooting a sql server and it takes its time to shutdown and they're tempted to hold the power button for 4 secs, once you explain to the user what is happening they then understand.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Yes Restarting The server will stop the SQL server cleanly . as windows always shut down all the application before shutting itself down

    and SQL works On write Ahead log basis so after restart consistency is maintain


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