Store Procedure

  • Hi

    I have two procedures

    a) Procedure A

    b) Procedure B

    By design, Procedure B calls Procedure A internally. However, Two procedures can be executed independantly .

    I want to findout that if procedure A is called

    - Is it called from Procedure B or

    - is it called independantly ie not from any other procedure

    Your reply will help me a lot



  • The first answer that springs to mind is to add a parameter to stored proc A:

    CREATE sprocA @calledby char(1)=NULL AS...

    Then when you call it from sprocB, call it by using " EXEC sprocA 'B' ", while when calling it independently, use " EXEC sprocA ". You can then interrogate parameter @calledby to determine whether sprocB called it.

    Hope this helps.

  • Venkat (2/6/2009)


    I have two procedures

    a) Procedure A

    b) Procedure B

    By design, Procedure B calls Procedure A internally. However, Two procedures can be executed independently .

    I want to findout that if procedure A is called

    - Is it called from Procedure B or

    - is it called independently ie not from any other procedure

    Your reply will help me a lot



    If Procedure B creates a local temporary table (example #MyHead) prior to calling Procedure A, you can test for the exitance of the temporary table as Procedure A will be able to see and use the local temporary table internally. If called independent of Procedure B, this table would not exist.

    The only other way that I can think of would be a optional parameter to Procedure A that would be used when calling Procedure A from within Procedure B and left null when called independent of Procedure B.

  • I wouldn't recommend doing this on a production system, but you could capture statement completion events from a trace. Then you'll see when the call is made from proc b.

    However, does proc B always call proc A? If so, just use a trace to capture the executions of Proc B.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Should have asked this first, why does Procedure A need to know if it was called by Procedure B or independently of Procedure B?

  • You could try looking at @@NESTLEVEL is you know definitely that either A is called directly or B calls A. Of course, if a hypothetical procedure C also calls A then the level won't help.



  • Hi

    I agree with the @@Nestlevel

    [font="Courier New"]Aram Koukia:[/font]
  • Okay, Venkat, you have had several replies to your question as well as I asked of you. How about some feedback?

  • Hi All

    Thankyou verymuch for the solutoins.

    I tried using @@Nestlevel and it looks good to me

    I implemented the same and tested as well.

    Thanks a lot

    I can now close this issue. 😀


  • You may close the issue, but you failed to answer the question, why you needed procedure A to know if it was called by procedure B or called independently of another stored procedure.

    It is only polite to answer a question when asked.

  • Hi Lynn

    Sorry, I did not answer your question.

    The reason I looked for is as below

    1. I need to perform certain validation on database if it is called


    2. If it is called from any parent procedure, the validation may not

    be required.

    Previously I was passing a parameter Y/N.

    Now by using the @@NESTVALUE , I am able to achive this.

    Thanks, 🙂


  • Thank you. Now it all makes sense and using @@nestlevel does look like the best option in this case.

    Something new learned, good that is.

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