Stored Packages - Its Empty

  • Hi,

    My stored packages folder under my Integration service is empty.

    However, when I execute select * from [sysdtspackages90] it returns rows.

    So, whats the story? Why can't I see my package in the GUI?

    Please help, I have achived almost nothing this week.

    SQL Server 2005, 64bit, 2-node cluster.


  • I can appreciate your frustration.  SSIS is a pretty big blackbox that takes some time and experience to be familiar with it... 

    In MSDB, make sure your connection account has the proper roles (there are three).

    You need at least db_dtsoperator to execute them.

    Hope this helps.


  • Hi,

    Permissions were the first thing I thought of... But wouldn't it be the case that if I can see whats in the table with my accont, i should be able to see it via the gui?

    At any rate, I printed out a copy of and gave it to my sysadmin.

    Hopefully he will follow the instructions ....


  • I know this post is old but this may help someone else scouring these forms...

    I checked sql (roles) and windows permissions (for remote access by non-SAs). I checked config files and their reg key paths. I restarted SSIS and SQL Agent services. Nothing helped....

    But then I tried loading the MsDtsSrvr.ini XML file in Internet Explorer...guess what??? The XML didn't parse due to some garbage/invalid character (error below).

    So I copied the file from another server, making necessary environment changes, resaved and all is well (after an SSIS svc restart of course). Lesson learned -- check your XML for valid settings AND parsing.


    The XML page cannot be displayed

    Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.


    A name contained an invalid character. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/100/DTS/Bin...

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