Stored Proc not Working after migration - CONTAINSTABLE

  • I have a stored procedure that works when it is a small amount of data returned but times out when a large amount of data is returned.  It times our both in SSMS and via the application.

    We migrated from 2008 r2 to 2014 but was left it in compatibility mode. The code isn't the greatest but it should still be returning records as it does in current prod.  the number of records is over 135k

    The function CONTAINSTABLE  and the use of Full-Text  are the concerns I have.  in thins new environment.  I have tweeked configurations and such to deal with these 2 items and nothin has worked. 

    The new environment is went from 16 cpu to 40 cpus  for starters and ram is now at 128  from 64  so this should be doing better not worse.

    At ideas would be  appreciated.


  • post migration, it's mandatory to rebuild all your indexes ; the statistics are different than the new sql engine expects, andyou'll see poor performance until you rebuild your indexes and get your statistics updated to the new 2014 expectation.


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  • IIRC, you'll need to rebuld the full text indexes in their entirety.

    EDIT... Crud... didn't see Lowell's post, which says the same thing.

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