Stored Procedure ?

  • I have an access form that requests the user to enter a date value in an unbound field.

    When this date value is edited or updated I want my SQL stored procedure to fire. First the stored procedure needs to know which record I'm working with which is where my problem is.

    In access I can refer to a field my saying: MyVariable = '" & Forms!frmEmployee!txtEmpID & "'

    MyVariable = 1234

    In SQL I don't know how to set MyVariable = """""""""""""""""

    I have tried:


    Declare @EmpID int

    Set @EmpID = '1%'

    Select * from tblEmployee where EmpID = @EmpID

    This will return all Employee ID's that begin with a 1, but I'm only looking for the EmpID of the record I'm working with.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,

    Tracy Ramirez

    Cape Fear Valley Health System

    Tracy Ramirez

    Tracy Ramirez

  • Hi Tracy!

    In a stored procedure, you can have both input variables and output variables. If you modify your stored procedure such as:


    @EmpID int


    Select * from tblEmployee where EmpID = @EmpID



    Your @EmpID now becomes an input variable. Your stored procedure can now be called with something like the following...

    Exec UpdateInfo @EmpID = '1432'

    This should give you the records pertaining to employee id 1432.

    I hope this helps shed some light on the problem...


    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

  • CREATE PROCEDURE UpdateInfo @Empid Int AS

    Select * from tblEmployee where EmpID = @Empid



    should get you your required result.

    Edited by - nazim on 06/19/2003 08:57:29 AM

  • Thank you for your help.

    Please forgive me for asking another ? (I'm a beginner)

    This is going to work, however in my pass-through query in access I want to say

    Exec UpdateInfo @EmpID = '" & field name & "'

    Because the field value will constantly change. My syntax is not correct for my stored procedure to translate.

    How do I set @EmpID to = a variable

    Thank you for getting me this far. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    Tracy Ramirez

    Tracy Ramirez

  • Hi Tracy...

    I think you had it in your first post, didn't you?

    Exec UpdateInfo @EmpId = "'" & Forms!frmEmployee!txtEmpID & "'"

    I am not sure, but you could try it without the single and double quotes as well...but I think you will need them.

    Let us know if this works for you...been a while since I have done anything with Access.



    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

  • in your pass-through query, you should say

    Exec UpdateInfo '1432'

    and that should work.

    You have to set up properties for the connection in your pass-through query, do not forget that.

  • sorry I did not read well. You cannot really do that in a pass-through query. Access is limited, you should know.

    However, what I often do , is set up a parameter table with fields like:

    ParameterID, Parameter description, ParValue

    This table, you link it with a form in Access, so that you can have all your parameters in a form in Access or ASP/PHP, whatever you want. It is extremely convenient. My clients usually loves that.

    In your stored procedure, you do that:

    (I would had maybe a begin transaction, rollback and commit one if you are not sure it will be w/o error all the time; as it is purly a select stored proc, it is not really necessary as it does not affect the database)


    @ParameterID int


    -- Find the parameter in the parameter table

    Declare @Parvalue as int

    set @Parvalue = (select ParValue from tblParameters where ParameterID = @ParameterId)

    Select * from tblEmployee where EmpID = @ParValue


  • If it is not possible to run a pass-through query as:

    Exec UpdateInfo @EmpID = MyVariable

    and you have to state exactly

    Exec UpdateInfo @EmpID = '4321'

    How would you pass a value (that's always changing) from access to a stored procedure?

    Not unless you can't pass a changing value, but certainly people pass variables back and forth from SQL to Access I would think.

    Please excuse all of my ?'s. I'm learning as I go. Thank you all for your patience.

    Tracy Ramirez

    Tracy Ramirez

  • To change the values in the pass-through query you will have to use a little bit of VBA. You will need to set up a QueryDef object and set your pass-through query to this object. Next, edit the .SQL parameter with the 'Exec UpdateInfo '" & Forms!frmEmployee!txtEmpID & "'. After this, execute the QueryDef object.

  • 'in Access, in one of the events for the txtEmpID text box control

    dim MyEmployeeID as long

    MyEmployeeID = frmEmployee!txtEmpID

    dim sql as string

    sql = "UpdateInfo " & CStr(MyEmployeeID) 'no quotes because @empid is int, not varchar

    'following calls a stored proc that returns a single result set

    Dim qdf As dao.QueryDef

    Set qdf = CodeDb.CreateQueryDef("")

    qdf.Connect = SQLConnectString

    qdf.ReturnsRecords = True

    qdf.sql = sql

    Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset

    You also need a way to get the SQLConnectString used for the stored procedure. this is used to pass to qdf.connect property

    'in Access

    Function SQLConnectString() as string

    'tblEmployee must be a linked table in the access mdb

    SQLConnectString = CodeDb.TableDefs("tblEmployee").Connect

    End Function

    --in SQL Server


    @EmpID int


    Select * from tblEmployee where EmpID = @EmpID


  • Thank you so much. I believe that solved the problem.

    I didn't even think about trying a QueryDef

    Thanks for all of the help.

    Tracy Ramirez

    Tracy Ramirez

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