Stored Procedure ?

  • I have an access form that requests the user to enter a date value in an unbound field.

    When this date value is edited or updated I want my SQL stored procedure to fire. First the stored procedure needs to know which record I'm working with which is where my problem is.

    In access I can refer to a field my saying: MyVariable = '" & Forms!frmEmployee!txtEmpID & "'

    MyVariable = 1234

    In SQL I don't know how to set MyVariable = """""""""""""""""

    I have tried:


    Declare @EmpID int

    Set @EmpID = '1%'

    Select * from tblEmployee where EmpID = @EmpID

    This will return all Employee ID's that begin with a 1, but I'm only looking for the EmpID of the record I'm working with.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,

    Tracy Ramirez

    Cape Fear Valley Health System

    Tracy Ramirez

    Tracy Ramirez

  • Within your update event (click button event)

    Make a call to your proc. passing it your variable value as a param.

    First instantiate ADO's command objects to make your proc. call

    Dim ObjCmd as ADODB.COMMAND

    Set ObjCmd = New ADODB.COMMAND

    MyVar = '" & Forms!frmEmployess!txtEmpID & "'

    Within your user invoked event

    1st do Update

    2nd call proc like this:

    With ObjCmd

    .ActiveConnection = ObjConn --(Your connection string variable)

    .CommandType = 4

    .CommandText = "UpdateInfo" --(Proc Name)

    .Parameters("@EmpID") = MyVar


    End With



  • quote:

    Set @EmpID = '1%'

    Select * from tblEmployee where EmpID = @EmpID

    This will return all Employee ID's that begin with a 1, but I'm only looking for the EmpID of the record I'm working with.

    Actually, you'll need to use the LIKE operator to make this work, and you will have to use dynamic sql, because, unfortunately, sql server doesn't support wildcards in parameters, only static strings:

    @EmpID VARCHAR(10)
    DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(2000)
    SET @sql = 'SELECT * FROM tblEmployee WHERE EmpID LIKE ''' + @EmpID + ''''
    EXEC sp_executesql @sql
    SELECT * FROM tblEmployee WHERE EmpID = @EmpID



  • Hello jPipes

    Your suggestion worked, however, from access I still have to specify the exact EmpID I'm working with.

    Exec UpdateInfo @EmpId = '1234'

    I have tried the other suggestions, but still unable to substitute a variable for '1234' and make it work.

    Thank you all for your help. I am determined to figure this out.

    Tracy Ramirez

    Tracy Ramirez

  • If you post your code, we'll be able to see the error more clearly...

  • Stored Procedure (This works)

    CREATE PROC UpdateInfo @EmpID VARCHAR(10)


    IF CHARINDEX(CHAR(37), @EmpID) > 0


    DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(2000)

    SET @sql = SELECT * FROM tblEmployee WHERE EmpID LIKE @EmpID

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql




    SELECT * FROM tblEmployee WHERE EmpID = @EmpID


    Pass through query (Only works when EmpId = a specific number)

    Exec UpdateInfo @EmpID = '" & forms!frmEmployee!txtEmpID & "';

    I think everything would work if SQL liked my

    '" & forms!frmEmployee!txtEmpID & "' string

    Tracy Ramirez

    Tracy Ramirez

  • You didn't copy my code quite right. You left out the quotes, which indicate that the @sql variable is a string:

    SET @sql = 'SELECT * FROM tblEmployee WHERE EmpID LIKE ''' + @EmpID + ''''
    EXEC sp_executesql @sql

    Without the quotes, it won't work.

  • Thank you

    Your correct my stored procedure is working properly now. (Sorry I thought it was working before since it didn't give any errors).

    So now my pass-through query says:

    Exec UpdateInfo @EmpID = '" & forms!frmEmployee!txtEmpID & "';

    In a way this works, it does not give me an error, but returns no records. I am working on a form that has a record so there is no reason it should not work.

    Unless it has something to do with txtEmpID begin unbound, but I wouldn't think that would matter since I refer to the field as '" & forms!frmEmployee!txtEmpID & "'

    Thanks again for your patience with me.

    Tracy Ramirez

    Tracy Ramirez

  • Do a quick MsgBox(Forms!frmEmployee!txtEmpID) when you execute this function to ensure that there is a correct value in the field at runtime. If there is, then MsgBox out the SQL string as you are passing it rhough to SQL Server. Take that string and execute it in Query Analyzer. If it returns results, then it is something to do with your VBA code...

  • I'm sorry to be such a bother and I appreciate all of your help this far.

    I did try that and I do get a value 3526

    but when I move this to the analyzer and run it it gives an ! error because of the following string (syntax error I assume)

    Exec UpdateInfo @EmpID = forms!frmEmployee!txtEmpID;

    Now this is interesting when I do this

    Exec UpdateInfo @EmpID = " & forms!frmEmployee!txtEmpID & ";

    it displays all of my fields, but not the record (which I have proved holds EmpID 3526)

    Tracy Ramirez

    Tracy Ramirez

  • OK, you cannot reference a MS Access Form field value in SQL Server Query Analyzer. Are you executing this string exactly?:

    Exec UpdateInfo '3526'
  • From my form in access in the after update event I am firing this pass-through query.With the following code.

    docmd.RunQuery "UpdateInfo"

    This is the code for the pass-through query.

    Exec UpdateInfo @EmpID = forms!frmEmployee!txtEmpID;

    Of course the forms!frmEmployee!txtEmpID does not have the correct syntax for the stored procedure to translate.

    The following code would work, by pulling all employees with a 3 at the beginning of their employee number. But I can't hard code a number because each employee may begin with another number other than 3.

    exec updateinfo @EmpId = '3%'

    And replacing 3% with forms..... surrounded by single quotes doesn't work either.

    Tracy Ramirez

    Tracy Ramirez

  • I'm sorry I misunderstood your ?. No I did not execute that string exactly. I will try that.

    But I do know in access when I tried to remove @MedRecNum and just put the value in it gave an error stating the variable needed to be filled in. I will try your suggestion in the qry analyzer.

    Tracy Ramirez

    Tracy Ramirez

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