Stored Procedure

  • I am a beginner in Microsoft SQL and I’ve come across this stored procedure at work. I sort of understand what the programmer was trying to do but I would like to know if this is a good example of a stored proc.

    Ideally, I would like to know:

    1. If this stored procedure is a good example.

    2. If anything, what is generally wrong with it

    3. How it could be improved.

    This stored proc has been in use as is for about two years so it’s not something that I’m going to go and change, nobody is going to touch it but since it looks really complex I was wondering if this is how a similar sp should look like.

    USE [Database]






    ALTER PROCEDURE [Schema].[Table]

    @DateFrom DATE,

    @DateTo DATE,

    @BranchCode INT



    DECLARE @DateFromVAR AS DATE =@DateFrom


    DECLARE @BranchCodeVAR AS INT =@BranchCode

    SELECT CAST(EIV2.EntityItemValue AS INT) AS EmployeeBranch,

    SUM(TotalPaidPrem) AS TotalPremiumPaid,

    SUM(TotalPaidPrem)*0.5/100 AS Commission

    FROM (

    SELECT PaidPrem.MAXPPremiumDebitPk,PaidPrem.PolicyNumber,SUM(PaidMonths.PaidMonths)TotalPaidMonths,MAX(PaidPrem.paidPremium) TotalPaidPrem,paidMonths.CommencementDate

    FROM (

    SELECT SUM(Premium) AS paidPremium,FT.PolicyNumber,FT.DueDate,FT.RegistrationDate,MAX(FT.PPremiumDebitPk) AS MAXPPremiumDebitPk


    SELECT DISTINCT FT.Premium,FT.PolicyNumber,FT.DueDate,FT.PPremiumDebitPk,FT.RegistrationDate

    FROM [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] FT

    INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] PM ON PM.PolicyNumber = FT.PolicyNumber

    INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] POD ON POD.PolicyNumber = FT.PolicyNumber AND POD.ClosingStatus = 0

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Table AD ON AD.AgentNumber = FT.AgentNumber AND AD.ClosingStatus = 0

    INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] PT ON PT.PremiumTypeNumber = FT.PremiumType AND PT.PaymentFlag = 1 --Get only the payments

    INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] GP1 ON GP1.ParameterId = FT.ContributorType AND GP1.ParameterName = 'ContributorType'

    INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] GP2 ON GP2.ParameterId = POD.ProductNumber AND GP2.ParameterAdditionalId = POD.ProductVersion AND GP2.ParameterName = 'Product'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Table AAD ON AAD.OpeningReference = FT.OpeningReference AND AAD.ActivityKey = FT.PolicyNumber AND AAD.ActivityKeyType = 1 AND AAD.ActivitySequence = 1


    FT.PremiumType NOT IN (200, 201, 205, 206, 249, 250)

    AND FT.RegistrationDate BETWEEN @DateFromVAR AND @DateToVAR


    GROUP BY FT.PolicyNumber,FT.DueDate,FT.RegistrationDate--,FT.PPremiumDebitPk



    SELECT PT.PolicyNumber,PT.DueDate,MAX(PT.RegistrationDate) AS RegistrationDate,CommencementDate,MAX(PT.PPremiumDebitPk)AS PPremiumDebitPk,ISNULL(12/CPA.PaymentFrequency,0) AS PaidMonths

    FROM (

    SELECT PolicyNumber,





    MAX(FT.RegistrationDate) AS RegistrationDate,

    MAX(FT.PPremiumDebitPk)AS PPremiumDebitPk

    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT FT.Premium,FT.PolicyNumber,FT.DueDate,FT.ContributorType,FT.PPremiumDebitPk,LayerNumber AS ContributorLayer,PM.CommencementDate,FT.RegistrationDate

    FROM [DataWarehouse].[Schema].[FinancialTransaction] FT

    INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] PM ON PM.PolicyNumber = FT.PolicyNumber

    INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] POD ON POD.PolicyNumber = FT.PolicyNumber AND POD.ClosingStatus = 0

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] AD ON AD.AgentNumber = FT.AgentNumber AND AD.ClosingStatus = 0

    INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] PT ON PT.PremiumTypeNumber = FT.PremiumType AND PT.PaymentFlag = 1 --Get only the payments

    INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] GP1 ON GP1.ParameterId = FT.ContributorType AND GP1.ParameterName = 'ContributorType'

    INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] GP2 ON GP2.ParameterId = POD.ProductNumber AND GP2.ParameterAdditionalId = POD.ProductVersion AND GP2.ParameterName = 'Product'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] AAD ON AAD.OpeningReference = FT.OpeningReference AND AAD.ActivityKey = FT.PolicyNumber AND AAD.ActivityKeyType = 1 AND AAD.ActivitySequence = 1

    WHERE -- Exclude: Excess Premium, Excess Premium, Excess Refund Payment, Excess Refund Payment (UL), Refund to Suspense (UL), Refund to Suspense

    FT.PremiumType NOT IN (200, 201, 205, 206, 249, 250)

    AND FT.RegistrationDate BETWEEN PM.CommencementDate AND @DateToVAR

    ) FT

    GROUP BY PolicyNumber,






    INNER JOIN DataWarehouse.Schema.Table CC

    ON PT.PolicyNumber=CC.PolicyNumber

    AND PT.ContributorType=CC.ContributorType

    AND PT.ContributorLayer=CC.LayerNumber

    AND PT.RegistrationDate BETWEEN CC.OpeningRegistrationDate AND CC.ClosingRegistrationDate-1

    INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[Schema].[Table] CPA

    ON CC.ContributorId=CPA.ClientNumber

    AND PT.RegistrationDate BETWEEN CPA.OpeningRegistrationDate AND CPA.ClosingRegistrationDate-1

    AND CC.PaymentArrangementId=CPA.ArrangementId

    GROUP BY PT.PolicyNumber,PT.DueDate,CommencementDate,ISNULL(12/CPA.PaymentFrequency,0)


    --calculate paid months that registration and due date of payments in period is grater than other payments registration and due date

    --this done to avoid the reversal values in case of the payment frequency modification. example 10037529 for period 1/1/2018-31/3/2018

    ON (PaidPrem.PolicyNumber=PaidMonths.PolicyNumber

    AND PaidPrem.RegistrationDate>=PaidMonths.RegistrationDate

    AND PaidPrem.DueDate>PaidMonths.DueDate

    AND PaidPrem.MAXPPremiumDebitPk>=PaidMonths.PPremiumDebitPk

    AND PaidPrem.paidPremium>0)

    OR (PaidPrem.PolicyNumber=PaidMonths.PolicyNumber

    AND PaidPrem.RegistrationDate>PaidMonths.RegistrationDate

    AND PaidPrem.DueDate>PaidMonths.DueDate

    AND PaidPrem.MAXPPremiumDebitPk>=PaidMonths.PPremiumDebitPk

    AND PaidPrem.paidPremium<0)

    GROUP BY PaidPrem.MAXPPremiumDebitPk,PaidPrem.PolicyNumber,PaidMonths.CommencementDate

    --HAVING MAX(PaidPrem.paidPremium)>0



    ON X.PolicyNumber = PCD.PolicyNumber


    ON PCD.SourceCode = SCC.SourceCodeId


    ON PCD.AgentNumber=MAD.AgentNumber

    AND PCD.InsuranceCompany=MAD.InsuranceCompany


    ON MAD.GroupCode=GM1.GroupCode


    ON EIV2.EntityNumber = PCD.PolicyNumber

    -- AND EIV2.EntitySubNumber = PMA.AgentLayerNumber

    AND EIV2.EntityItemType = 5

    AND EIV2.EntityItemSubType = 1

    AND EIV2.EntityItemId = 2

    AND EIV2.ClosingStatus=0

    WHERE X.TotalPaidMonths>=12

    AND AgentBusinessTypeSourceCd = '02'

    AND PCD.InsuranceCompany<>2

    AND (CAST(EIV2.EntityItemValue AS INT)=@BranchCodeVAR OR @BranchCodeVAR=0)

    GROUP BY CAST(EIV2.EntityItemValue AS INT)

    ORDER BY CAST(EIV2.EntityItemValue AS INT)


    * Ignore the comments

    I’m afraid I don’t have an execution plan so a really general comment or general feedback would be more than enough.


  • This is a very complicated procedure and generally should not be the norm for most queries. I see a series of issues.

    First thing I see is several DISTINCT operations. These aggregations can frequently cause poor performance. You have functions on columns i the ON/WHERE/HAVING clause: CC.ClosingRegistrationDate-1,  CAST(EIV2.EntityItemValue AS INT)=@BranchCodeVAR,
    These will lead to very poor performance. Depending on the function, work to eliminate these from the code.
    I'd also get rid of the ISNULL in the GROUP BY. Pretty sure that's going to cause problems: ISNULL(12/CPA.PaymentFrequency,0).

    I'd have to really drill down on it to see if all those SELECT FROM.. SELECT FROM... SELECT FROM... are necessary or not. There's nothing inherently wrong with the nesting approach, but that much nesting makes me suspicious.

    You also might benefit from using EXCEPT instead of NOT IN. That will require some testing.

    That's what I see on a first pass.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Couple of things that I observed in the stored procedure:
    1. There are a DISTINCT clauses in two places. This should be avoided as it is expensive and if your query is using correct joining conditions, it should not be needed in an inner query,
    2. The table subscript AD and AAD has been added with a LEFT OUTER JOIN in multiple occasions, but these tables are not being used in the query at all. In that case, you can remove this table entirely from the joining operation.

  • debasis.yours - Wednesday, July 18, 2018 8:20 AM

    Couple of things that I observed in the stored procedure:
    1. There are a DISTINCT clauses in two places. This should be avoided as it is expensive and if your query is using correct joining conditions, it should not be needed in an inner query,
    2. The table subscript AD and AAD has been added with a LEFT OUTER JOIN in multiple occasions, but these tables are not being used in the query at all. In that case, you can remove this table entirely from the joining operation.

    Oooh, nice catch. I didn't even see that. Yeah, the last thing you want to do is make extra work for the optimizer, and with a query this complex, it increases the likelihood that the simplification process doesn't spot the fact that these tables aren't actually used, which means there's the possibility of unnecessary processing going on (you could see this with the execution plan).

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Thought I would take a look but SQL Prompt can't reformat the code and trying to do it by hand to make more readable just isn't viable at this time.  I really wish people posting code would take the time to format it to be more human readable.

  • ìn case anyone wishes to look at it.

    Its not a complex proc - its just a rather complex query 

    alter procedure [Schema].

    @DateFrom date
               , @DateTo  date
               , @BranchCode int

      declare @DateFromVar as date = @DateFrom
      declare @DateToVar as date = @DateTo
      declare @BranchCodeVar as int = @BranchCode

      select cast(eiv2.EntityItemValue as int) as employeebranch
       , sum(TotalPaidPrem) as totalpremiumpaid
       , sum(TotalPaidPrem) * 0.5 / 100 as commission
      from (select paidprem.maxppremiumdebitpk
         , paidprem.PolicyNumber
         , sum(paidmonths.paidmonths) totalpaidmonths
         , max(paidprem.paidpremium) totalpaidprem
         , paidmonths.CommencementDate
        from (select sum(Premium) as paidpremium
            , ft.PolicyNumber
            , ft.DueDate
            , ft.registrationdate
            , max(ft.ppremiumdebitpk) as maxppremiumdebitpk
            from (select distinct ft.Premium
                  , ft.PolicyNumber
                  , ft.DueDate
                  , ft.ppremiumdebitpk
                  , ft.registrationdate
               from [DataWarehouse].[schema].

               inner join [DataWarehouse].[schema].

                 on pm.PolicyNumber = ft.PolicyNumber
               inner join [DataWarehouse].[schema].

                 on pod.PolicyNumber = ft.PolicyNumber
                 and pod.ClosingStatus = 0
               left outer join

                 on ad.AgentNumber = ft.AgentNumber
                 and ad.ClosingStatus = 0
               inner join [DataWarehouse].[schema].

                 on pt.PremiumTypeNumber = ft.PremiumType
                 and pt.PaymentFlag = 1 --Get only the payments
               inner join [DataWarehouse].[schema].

                 on gp1.ParameterId = ft.ContributorType
                 and gp1.ParameterName = 'ContributorType'
               inner join [DataWarehouse].[schema].

                 on gp2.ParameterId = pod.ProductNumber
                 and gp2.ParameterAdditionalId = pod.ProductVersion
                 and gp2.ParameterName = 'Product'
               left outer join

                 on aad.OpeningReference = ft.OpeningReference
                 and aad.ActivityKey = ft.PolicyNumber
                 and aad.ActivityKeyType = 1
                 and aad.ActivitySequence = 1
               where ft.PremiumType not in (200, 201, 205, 206, 249, 250)
                 and ft.registrationdate between @DateFromVar and @DateToVar
             ) ft
            group by ft.PolicyNumber
              , ft.DueDate
              , ft.registrationdate
         -- , FT.PPremiumDebitPk
         ) paidprem
         left outer join (select pt.PolicyNumber
               , pt.DueDate
               , max(pt.registrationdate) as registrationdate
               , CommencementDate
               , max(pt.ppremiumdebitpk) as ppremiumdebitpk
               , isnull(12 / cpa.PaymentFrequency, 0) as paidmonths
          from (select PolicyNumber
              , ContributorType
              , ContributorLayer
              , DueDate
              , ft.CommencementDate
              , max(ft.registrationdate) as registrationdate
              , max(ft.ppremiumdebitpk) as ppremiumdebitpk
              from (select distinct ft.Premium
                     , ft.PolicyNumber
                     , ft.DueDate
                     , ft.ContributorType
                     , ft.ppremiumdebitpk
                     , LayerNumber as contributorlayer
                     , pm.CommencementDate
                     , ft.registrationdate
                  from [DataWarehouse].[Schema].[FinancialTransaction] ft
                  inner join [DataWarehouse].[schema].

                   on pm.PolicyNumber = ft.PolicyNumber
                  inner join [DataWarehouse].[schema].

                   on pod.PolicyNumber = ft.PolicyNumber
                   and pod.ClosingStatus = 0
                  left outer join [DataWarehouse].[schema].

                   on ad.AgentNumber = ft.AgentNumber
                   and ad.ClosingStatus = 0
                  inner join [DataWarehouse].[schema].

                   on pt.PremiumTypeNumber = ft.PremiumType
                   and pt.PaymentFlag = 1 --Get only the payments
                  inner join [DataWarehouse].[schema].

                   on gp1.ParameterId = ft.ContributorType
                   and gp1.ParameterName = 'ContributorType'
                  inner join [DataWarehouse].[schema].

                   on gp2.ParameterId = pod.ProductNumber
                   and gp2.ParameterAdditionalId = pod.ProductVersion
                   and gp2.ParameterName = 'Product'
                  left outer join [DataWarehouse].[schema].

                   on aad.OpeningReference = ft.OpeningReference
                   and aad.ActivityKey = ft.PolicyNumber
                   and aad.ActivityKeyType = 1
                   and aad.ActivitySequence = 1
                  where -- Exclude: Excess Premium , Excess Premium , Excess Refund Payment , Excess Refund Payment (UL) , Refund to Suspense (UL) , Refund to Suspense
                   ft.PremiumType not in (200, 201, 205, 206, 249, 250)
                   and ft.registrationdate between pm.CommencementDate and @DateToVar
               ) ft
              group by PolicyNumber
                , ContributorType
                , ContributorLayer
                , DueDate
                , ft.CommencementDate
            ) pt
          inner join DataWarehouse.Schema.table cc
            on pt.PolicyNumber = cc.PolicyNumber
            and pt.ContributorType = cc.ContributorType
            and pt.contributorlayer = cc.LayerNumber
            and pt.registrationdate between cc.OpeningRegistrationDate and cc.ClosingRegistrationDate - 1
          inner join [DataWarehouse].[Schema].

            on cc.ContributorId = cpa.ClientNumber
            and pt.registrationdate between cpa.OpeningRegistrationDate and cpa.ClosingRegistrationDate - 1
            and cc.PaymentArrangementId = cpa.ArrangementId
          group by pt.PolicyNumber
             , pt.DueDate
             , CommencementDate
             , isnull(12 / cpa.PaymentFrequency, 0)
        ) paidmonths
         --calculate paid months that registration and due date of payments in period is grater than other payments registration and due date
         --this done to avoid the reversal values in case of the payment frequency modification. example 10037529 for period 1/1/2018-31/3/2018
         on (paidprem.PolicyNumber = paidmonths.PolicyNumber
           and paidprem.registrationdate >= paidmonths.registrationdate
           and paidprem.DueDate > paidmonths.DueDate
           and paidprem.maxppremiumdebitpk >= paidmonths.ppremiumdebitpk
           and paidprem.paidpremium > 0)
         or (paidprem.PolicyNumber = paidmonths.PolicyNumber
           and paidprem.registrationdate > paidmonths.registrationdate
           and paidprem.DueDate > paidmonths.DueDate
           and paidprem.maxppremiumdebitpk >= paidmonths.ppremiumdebitpk
           and paidprem.paidpremium < 0)
        group by paidprem.maxppremiumdebitpk
          , paidprem.PolicyNumber
          , paidmonths.CommencementDate
      --HAVING MAX(PaidPrem.paidPremium)>0
      ) x
      left outer join

       on x.PolicyNumber = pcd.PolicyNumber
      left outer join

       on pcd.SourceCode = scc.SourceCodeId
      left outer join

       on pcd.AgentNumber = mad.AgentNumber
       and pcd.InsuranceCompany = mad.InsuranceCompany
      left outer join

       on mad.GroupCode = gm1.GroupCode
      left outer join

       on eiv2.EntityNumber = pcd.PolicyNumber
       -- AND EIV2.EntitySubNumber = PMA.AgentLayerNumber
       and eiv2.EntityItemType = 5
       and eiv2.EntityItemSubType = 1
       and eiv2.EntityItemId = 2
       and eiv2.ClosingStatus = 0
      where x.totalpaidmonths >= 12
       and AgentBusinessTypeSourceCd = '02'
       and pcd.InsuranceCompany <> 2
       and (cast(eiv2.EntityItemValue as int) = @BranchCodeVar
       or @BranchCodeVar = 0)
      group by cast(eiv2.EntityItemValue as int)
      order by cast(eiv2.EntityItemValue as int)


  • NikosV - Wednesday, July 18, 2018 7:37 AM

    I am a beginner in Microsoft SQL and I’ve come across this stored procedure at work. I sort of understand what the programmer was trying to do but I would like to know if this is a good example of a stored proc. Ideally, I would like to know:1. If this stored procedure is a good example. 2. If anything, what is generally wrong with it3. How it could be improved. This stored proc has been in use as is for about two years so it’s not something that I’m going to go and change, nobody is going to touch it but since it looks really complex I was wondering if this is how a similar sp should look like. USE [Database]GOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER PROCEDURE [Schema].[Table] @DateFrom DATE, @DateTo DATE, @BranchCode INTASBEGIN DECLARE @DateFromVAR AS DATE =@DateFrom DECLARE @DateToVAR AS DATE =@DateTo DECLARE @BranchCodeVAR AS INT =@BranchCode SELECT CAST(EIV2.EntityItemValue AS INT) AS EmployeeBranch, SUM(TotalPaidPrem) AS TotalPremiumPaid, SUM(TotalPaidPrem)*0.5/100 AS Commission FROM ( SELECT PaidPrem.MAXPPremiumDebitPk,PaidPrem.PolicyNumber,SUM(PaidMonths.PaidMonths)TotalPaidMonths,MAX(PaidPrem.paidPremium) TotalPaidPrem,paidMonths.CommencementDate FROM ( SELECT SUM(Premium) AS paidPremium,FT.PolicyNumber,FT.DueDate,FT.RegistrationDate,MAX(FT.PPremiumDebitPk) AS MAXPPremiumDebitPk FROM( SELECT DISTINCT FT.Premium,FT.PolicyNumber,FT.DueDate,FT.PPremiumDebitPk,FT.RegistrationDate FROM [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] FT INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] PM ON PM.PolicyNumber = FT.PolicyNumber INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] POD ON POD.PolicyNumber = FT.PolicyNumber AND POD.ClosingStatus = 0 LEFT OUTER JOIN Table AD ON AD.AgentNumber = FT.AgentNumber AND AD.ClosingStatus = 0 INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] PT ON PT.PremiumTypeNumber = FT.PremiumType AND PT.PaymentFlag = 1 --Get only the payments INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] GP1 ON GP1.ParameterId = FT.ContributorType AND GP1.ParameterName = 'ContributorType' INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] GP2 ON GP2.ParameterId = POD.ProductNumber AND GP2.ParameterAdditionalId = POD.ProductVersion AND GP2.ParameterName = 'Product' LEFT OUTER JOIN Table AAD ON AAD.OpeningReference = FT.OpeningReference AND AAD.ActivityKey = FT.PolicyNumber AND AAD.ActivityKeyType = 1 AND AAD.ActivitySequence = 1 WHERE FT.PremiumType NOT IN (200, 201, 205, 206, 249, 250) AND FT.RegistrationDate BETWEEN @DateFromVAR AND @DateToVAR )FT GROUP BY FT.PolicyNumber,FT.DueDate,FT.RegistrationDate--,FT.PPremiumDebitPk )PaidPrem LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT PT.PolicyNumber,PT.DueDate,MAX(PT.RegistrationDate) AS RegistrationDate,CommencementDate,MAX(PT.PPremiumDebitPk)AS PPremiumDebitPk,ISNULL(12/CPA.PaymentFrequency,0) AS PaidMonths FROM ( SELECT PolicyNumber, ContributorType, ContributorLayer, DueDate, FT.CommencementDate, MAX(FT.RegistrationDate) AS RegistrationDate, MAX(FT.PPremiumDebitPk)AS PPremiumDebitPk FROM (SELECT DISTINCT FT.Premium,FT.PolicyNumber,FT.DueDate,FT.ContributorType,FT.PPremiumDebitPk,LayerNumber AS ContributorLayer,PM.CommencementDate,FT.RegistrationDate FROM [DataWarehouse].[Schema].[FinancialTransaction] FT INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] PM ON PM.PolicyNumber = FT.PolicyNumber INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] POD ON POD.PolicyNumber = FT.PolicyNumber AND POD.ClosingStatus = 0 LEFT OUTER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] AD ON AD.AgentNumber = FT.AgentNumber AND AD.ClosingStatus = 0 INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] PT ON PT.PremiumTypeNumber = FT.PremiumType AND PT.PaymentFlag = 1 --Get only the payments INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] GP1 ON GP1.ParameterId = FT.ContributorType AND GP1.ParameterName = 'ContributorType' INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] GP2 ON GP2.ParameterId = POD.ProductNumber AND GP2.ParameterAdditionalId = POD.ProductVersion AND GP2.ParameterName = 'Product' LEFT OUTER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] AAD ON AAD.OpeningReference = FT.OpeningReference AND AAD.ActivityKey = FT.PolicyNumber AND AAD.ActivityKeyType = 1 AND AAD.ActivitySequence = 1 WHERE -- Exclude: Excess Premium, Excess Premium, Excess Refund Payment, Excess Refund Payment (UL), Refund to Suspense (UL), Refund to Suspense FT.PremiumType NOT IN (200, 201, 205, 206, 249, 250) AND FT.RegistrationDate BETWEEN PM.CommencementDate AND @DateToVAR ) FT GROUP BY PolicyNumber, ContributorType, ContributorLayer, DueDate, FT.CommencementDate )PT INNER JOIN DataWarehouse.Schema.Table CC ON PT.PolicyNumber=CC.PolicyNumber AND PT.ContributorType=CC.ContributorType AND PT.ContributorLayer=CC.LayerNumber AND PT.RegistrationDate BETWEEN CC.OpeningRegistrationDate AND CC.ClosingRegistrationDate-1 INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[Schema].[Table] CPA ON CC.ContributorId=CPA.ClientNumber AND PT.RegistrationDate BETWEEN CPA.OpeningRegistrationDate AND CPA.ClosingRegistrationDate-1 AND CC.PaymentArrangementId=CPA.ArrangementId GROUP BY PT.PolicyNumber,PT.DueDate,CommencementDate,ISNULL(12/CPA.PaymentFrequency,0) )PaidMonths --calculate paid months that registration and due date of payments in period is grater than other payments registration and due date --this done to avoid the reversal values in case of the payment frequency modification. example 10037529 for period 1/1/2018-31/3/2018 ON (PaidPrem.PolicyNumber=PaidMonths.PolicyNumber AND PaidPrem.RegistrationDate>=PaidMonths.RegistrationDate AND PaidPrem.DueDate>PaidMonths.DueDate AND PaidPrem.MAXPPremiumDebitPk>=PaidMonths.PPremiumDebitPk AND PaidPrem.paidPremium>0) OR (PaidPrem.PolicyNumber=PaidMonths.PolicyNumber AND PaidPrem.RegistrationDate>PaidMonths.RegistrationDate AND PaidPrem.DueDate>PaidMonths.DueDate AND PaidPrem.MAXPPremiumDebitPk>=PaidMonths.PPremiumDebitPk AND PaidPrem.paidPremium<0) GROUP BY PaidPrem.MAXPPremiumDebitPk,PaidPrem.PolicyNumber,PaidMonths.CommencementDate --HAVING MAX(PaidPrem.paidPremium)>0 )X LEFT OUTER JOIN Table PCD ON X.PolicyNumber = PCD.PolicyNumber LEFT OUTER JOIN Table SCC ON PCD.SourceCode = SCC.SourceCodeId LEFT OUTER JOIN Table MAD ON PCD.AgentNumber=MAD.AgentNumber AND PCD.InsuranceCompany=MAD.InsuranceCompany LEFT OUTER JOIN Table GM1 ON MAD.GroupCode=GM1.GroupCode LEFT OUTER JOIN Table EIV2 ON EIV2.EntityNumber = PCD.PolicyNumber -- AND EIV2.EntitySubNumber = PMA.AgentLayerNumber AND EIV2.EntityItemType = 5 AND EIV2.EntityItemSubType = 1 AND EIV2.EntityItemId = 2 AND EIV2.ClosingStatus=0 WHERE X.TotalPaidMonths>=12 AND AgentBusinessTypeSourceCd = '02' AND PCD.InsuranceCompany<>2 AND (CAST(EIV2.EntityItemValue AS INT)=@BranchCodeVAR OR @BranchCodeVAR=0) GROUP BY CAST(EIV2.EntityItemValue AS INT) ORDER BY CAST(EIV2.EntityItemValue AS INT)END* Ignore the commentsI’m afraid I don’t have an execution plan so a really general comment or general feedback would be more than enough. Thanks

    Here's a "cleaned up" version of this query.  There are several things that could be done to improve it.   First, formatting more like what I'm posting.  Second, don't go quite so far with anonymising table names to the exact same table name.   This makes it MUCH harder to take any modified query elements that are demonstrated to you and integrate them into your actual query.   That's one of the changes I made - to adapt the anonymised table name to it's alias, so at least those working on the query realize they are dealing with a genuinely different table name.  I may have missed some, so you may need to fix what I did.  Also, if you change a table name to the same value as another of your table name changes, you might very well mislead someone trying to help you, and in a rather bad way.   This is one habit you really MUST stop.  It makes getting help one heck of a lot harder.
    USE [Database];

    ALTER PROCEDURE [Schema].usp_ProcedureName
        @DateFrom date,
        @DateTo date,
        @BranchCode int
    -- added to avoid unnecessary data returning from the procedure.

    DECLARE @DateFromVAR AS date = @DateFrom;
    DECLARE @DateToVAR AS date = @DateTo;
    DECLARE @BranchCodeVAR AS int = @BranchCode;

        CAST(EIV2.EntityItemValue AS int)    AS EmployeeBranch,
        SUM(TotalPaidPrem)                    AS TotalPremiumPaid,
        SUM(TotalPaidPrem) * 0.5 / 100        AS Commission
    FROM (
            SUM(PaidMonths.PaidMonths)    AS TotalPaidMonths,
            MAX(PaidPrem.paidPremium)    AS TotalPaidPrem,
        FROM (
                SUM(Premium) AS paidPremium,
                MAX(FT.PPremiumDebitPk) AS MAXPPremiumDebitPk
            FROM (
                SELECT DISTINCT
                FROM [DataWarehouse].[schema].[TableFT] AS FT
                    INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[TablePM] AS PM
                        ON PM.PolicyNumber = FT.PolicyNumber
                    INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[TablePOD] POD
                        ON POD.PolicyNumber = FT.PolicyNumber
                        AND POD.ClosingStatus = 0
                    LEFT OUTER JOIN TableAD AS AD
                        ON AD.AgentNumber = FT.AgentNumber
                        AND AD.ClosingStatus = 0
                    INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[TablePT] AS PT
                        ON PT.PremiumTypeNumber = FT.PremiumType
                        AND PT.PaymentFlag = 1 --Get only the payments
                    INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[TableGP1] AS GP1
                        ON GP1.ParameterId = FT.ContributorType
                        AND GP1.ParameterName = 'ContributorType'
                    INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[TableGP2] AS GP2
                        ON GP2.ParameterId = POD.ProductNumber
                        AND GP2.ParameterAdditionalId = POD.ProductVersion
                        AND GP2.ParameterName = 'Product'
                    LEFT OUTER JOIN TableAAD AS AAD
                        ON AAD.OpeningReference = FT.OpeningReference
                        AND AAD.ActivityKey = FT.PolicyNumber
                        AND AAD.ActivityKeyType = 1
                        AND AAD.ActivitySequence = 1
                WHERE    FT.PremiumType NOT IN (200, 201, 205, 206, 249, 250)
                    AND FT.RegistrationDate BETWEEN @DateFromVAR AND @DateToVAR
                ) AS FT
            GROUP BY
            ) AS PaidPrem
                MAX(PT.RegistrationDate) AS RegistrationDate,
                MAX(PT.PPremiumDebitPk) AS PPremiumDebitPk,
                ISNULL(12/CPA.PaymentFrequency,0) AS PaidMonths
            FROM (
                    MAX(FT.RegistrationDate) AS RegistrationDate,
                    MAX(FT.PPremiumDebitPk)AS PPremiumDebitPk
                FROM (
                    SELECT DISTINCT
                        LayerNumber AS ContributorLayer,
                    FROM [DataWarehouse].[Schema].[FinancialTransaction] AS FT
                        INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[TablePM] AS PM
                            ON PM.PolicyNumber = FT.PolicyNumber
                        INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[TablePOD] AS POD
                            ON POD.PolicyNumber = FT.PolicyNumber
                            AND POD.ClosingStatus = 0
                        LEFT OUTER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[TableAD] AS AD
                            ON AD.AgentNumber = FT.AgentNumber
                            AND AD.ClosingStatus = 0
                        INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[TablePT] AS PT
                            ON PT.PremiumTypeNumber = FT.PremiumType
                            AND PT.PaymentFlag = 1 --Get only the payments
                        INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[TableGP1] AS GP1
                            ON GP1.ParameterId = FT.ContributorType
                            AND GP1.ParameterName = 'ContributorType'
                        INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[TableGP2] AS GP2
                            ON GP2.ParameterId = POD.ProductNumber
                            AND GP2.ParameterAdditionalId = POD.ProductVersion
                            AND GP2.ParameterName = 'Product'
                        LEFT OUTER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[TableAAD] AS AAD
                            ON AAD.OpeningReference = FT.OpeningReference
                            AND AAD.ActivityKey = FT.PolicyNumber
                            AND AAD.ActivityKeyType = 1
                            AND AAD.ActivitySequence = 1
                    WHERE -- Exclude: Excess Premium, Excess Premium, Excess Refund Payment, Excess Refund Payment (UL), Refund to Suspense (UL), Refund to Suspense
                            FT.PremiumType NOT IN (200, 201, 205, 206, 249, 250)
                        AND FT.RegistrationDate BETWEEN PM.CommencementDate AND @DateToVAR
                    ) AS FT
                GROUP BY
                ) AS PT
                INNER JOIN DataWarehouse.[Schema].[TableCC] AS CC
                    ON PT.PolicyNumber = CC.PolicyNumber
                    AND PT.ContributorType = CC.ContributorType
                    AND PT.ContributorLayer = CC.LayerNumber
                    AND PT.RegistrationDate BETWEEN CC.OpeningRegistrationDate AND CC.ClosingRegistrationDate - 1
                INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[Schema].[TableCPA] AS CPA
                    ON CC.ContributorId = CPA.ClientNumber
                    AND PT.RegistrationDate BETWEEN CPA.OpeningRegistrationDate AND CPA.ClosingRegistrationDate - 1
                    AND CC.PaymentArrangementId = CPA.ArrangementId
            GROUP BY
                ISNULL(12/CPA.PaymentFrequency, 0)
            ) AS PaidMonths
                --calculate paid months that registration and due date of payments in period is grater than other payments registration and due date
                --this done to avoid the reversal values in case of the payment frequency modification. example 10037529 for period 1/1/2018-31/3/2018
                ON (
                    PaidPrem.PolicyNumber = PaidMonths.PolicyNumber
                AND PaidPrem.RegistrationDate >= PaidMonths.RegistrationDate
                AND PaidPrem.DueDate > PaidMonths.DueDate
                AND PaidPrem.MAXPPremiumDebitPk >= PaidMonths.PPremiumDebitPk
                AND PaidPrem.paidPremium > 0
                OR (
                    PaidPrem.PolicyNumber = PaidMonths.PolicyNumber
                AND PaidPrem.RegistrationDate > PaidMonths.RegistrationDate
                AND PaidPrem.DueDate > PaidMonths.DueDate
                AND PaidPrem.MAXPPremiumDebitPk >= PaidMonths.PPremiumDebitPk
                AND PaidPrem.paidPremium < 0
        GROUP BY
        --HAVING MAX(PaidPrem.paidPremium)>0
        ) AS X
            ON X.PolicyNumber = PCD.PolicyNumber
            ON PCD.SourceCode = SCC.SourceCodeId
            ON PCD.AgentNumber = MAD.AgentNumber
            AND PCD.InsuranceCompany = MAD.InsuranceCompany
            ON MAD.GroupCode = GM1.GroupCode
            ON EIV2.EntityNumber = PCD.PolicyNumber
            -- AND EIV2.EntitySubNumber = PMA.AgentLayerNumber
            AND EIV2.EntityItemType = 5
            AND EIV2.EntityItemSubType = 1
            AND EIV2.EntityItemId = 2
            AND EIV2.ClosingStatus = 0
    WHERE X.TotalPaidMonths >= 12
        AND AgentBusinessTypeSourceCd = '02'
        AND PCD.InsuranceCompany <> 2
        AND (CAST(EIV2.EntityItemValue AS int) = @BranchCodeVAR OR @BranchCodeVAR = 0)
    GROUP BY CAST(EIV2.EntityItemValue AS int)
    ORDER BY CAST(EIV2.EntityItemValue AS int)



    EDIT: and NEVER use the same table alias twice.  Couldn't fix that because I don't really know what the tables are for sure.

  • NikosV - Wednesday, July 18, 2018 7:37 AM

    I am a beginner in Microsoft SQL and I’ve come across this stored procedure at work. I sort of understand what the programmer was trying to do but I would like to know if this is a good example of a stored proc. Ideally, I would like to know:1. If this stored procedure is a good example. 2. If anything, what is generally wrong with it3. How it could be improved. This stored proc has been in use as is for about two years so it’s not something that I’m going to go and change, nobody is going to touch it but since it looks really complex I was wondering if this is how a similar sp should look like. USE [Database]GOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER PROCEDURE [Schema].[Table] @DateFrom DATE, @DateTo DATE, @BranchCode INTASBEGIN DECLARE @DateFromVAR AS DATE =@DateFrom DECLARE @DateToVAR AS DATE =@DateTo DECLARE @BranchCodeVAR AS INT =@BranchCode SELECT CAST(EIV2.EntityItemValue AS INT) AS EmployeeBranch, SUM(TotalPaidPrem) AS TotalPremiumPaid, SUM(TotalPaidPrem)*0.5/100 AS Commission FROM ( SELECT PaidPrem.MAXPPremiumDebitPk,PaidPrem.PolicyNumber,SUM(PaidMonths.PaidMonths)TotalPaidMonths,MAX(PaidPrem.paidPremium) TotalPaidPrem,paidMonths.CommencementDate FROM ( SELECT SUM(Premium) AS paidPremium,FT.PolicyNumber,FT.DueDate,FT.RegistrationDate,MAX(FT.PPremiumDebitPk) AS MAXPPremiumDebitPk FROM( SELECT DISTINCT FT.Premium,FT.PolicyNumber,FT.DueDate,FT.PPremiumDebitPk,FT.RegistrationDate FROM [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] FT INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] PM ON PM.PolicyNumber = FT.PolicyNumber INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] POD ON POD.PolicyNumber = FT.PolicyNumber AND POD.ClosingStatus = 0 LEFT OUTER JOIN Table AD ON AD.AgentNumber = FT.AgentNumber AND AD.ClosingStatus = 0 INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] PT ON PT.PremiumTypeNumber = FT.PremiumType AND PT.PaymentFlag = 1 --Get only the payments INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] GP1 ON GP1.ParameterId = FT.ContributorType AND GP1.ParameterName = 'ContributorType' INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] GP2 ON GP2.ParameterId = POD.ProductNumber AND GP2.ParameterAdditionalId = POD.ProductVersion AND GP2.ParameterName = 'Product' LEFT OUTER JOIN Table AAD ON AAD.OpeningReference = FT.OpeningReference AND AAD.ActivityKey = FT.PolicyNumber AND AAD.ActivityKeyType = 1 AND AAD.ActivitySequence = 1 WHERE FT.PremiumType NOT IN (200, 201, 205, 206, 249, 250) AND FT.RegistrationDate BETWEEN @DateFromVAR AND @DateToVAR )FT GROUP BY FT.PolicyNumber,FT.DueDate,FT.RegistrationDate--,FT.PPremiumDebitPk )PaidPrem LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT PT.PolicyNumber,PT.DueDate,MAX(PT.RegistrationDate) AS RegistrationDate,CommencementDate,MAX(PT.PPremiumDebitPk)AS PPremiumDebitPk,ISNULL(12/CPA.PaymentFrequency,0) AS PaidMonths FROM ( SELECT PolicyNumber, ContributorType, ContributorLayer, DueDate, FT.CommencementDate, MAX(FT.RegistrationDate) AS RegistrationDate, MAX(FT.PPremiumDebitPk)AS PPremiumDebitPk FROM (SELECT DISTINCT FT.Premium,FT.PolicyNumber,FT.DueDate,FT.ContributorType,FT.PPremiumDebitPk,LayerNumber AS ContributorLayer,PM.CommencementDate,FT.RegistrationDate FROM [DataWarehouse].[Schema].[FinancialTransaction] FT INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] PM ON PM.PolicyNumber = FT.PolicyNumber INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] POD ON POD.PolicyNumber = FT.PolicyNumber AND POD.ClosingStatus = 0 LEFT OUTER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] AD ON AD.AgentNumber = FT.AgentNumber AND AD.ClosingStatus = 0 INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] PT ON PT.PremiumTypeNumber = FT.PremiumType AND PT.PaymentFlag = 1 --Get only the payments INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] GP1 ON GP1.ParameterId = FT.ContributorType AND GP1.ParameterName = 'ContributorType' INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] GP2 ON GP2.ParameterId = POD.ProductNumber AND GP2.ParameterAdditionalId = POD.ProductVersion AND GP2.ParameterName = 'Product' LEFT OUTER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[schema].[Table] AAD ON AAD.OpeningReference = FT.OpeningReference AND AAD.ActivityKey = FT.PolicyNumber AND AAD.ActivityKeyType = 1 AND AAD.ActivitySequence = 1 WHERE -- Exclude: Excess Premium, Excess Premium, Excess Refund Payment, Excess Refund Payment (UL), Refund to Suspense (UL), Refund to Suspense FT.PremiumType NOT IN (200, 201, 205, 206, 249, 250) AND FT.RegistrationDate BETWEEN PM.CommencementDate AND @DateToVAR ) FT GROUP BY PolicyNumber, ContributorType, ContributorLayer, DueDate, FT.CommencementDate )PT INNER JOIN DataWarehouse.Schema.Table CC ON PT.PolicyNumber=CC.PolicyNumber AND PT.ContributorType=CC.ContributorType AND PT.ContributorLayer=CC.LayerNumber AND PT.RegistrationDate BETWEEN CC.OpeningRegistrationDate AND CC.ClosingRegistrationDate-1 INNER JOIN [DataWarehouse].[Schema].[Table] CPA ON CC.ContributorId=CPA.ClientNumber AND PT.RegistrationDate BETWEEN CPA.OpeningRegistrationDate AND CPA.ClosingRegistrationDate-1 AND CC.PaymentArrangementId=CPA.ArrangementId GROUP BY PT.PolicyNumber,PT.DueDate,CommencementDate,ISNULL(12/CPA.PaymentFrequency,0) )PaidMonths --calculate paid months that registration and due date of payments in period is grater than other payments registration and due date --this done to avoid the reversal values in case of the payment frequency modification. example 10037529 for period 1/1/2018-31/3/2018 ON (PaidPrem.PolicyNumber=PaidMonths.PolicyNumber AND PaidPrem.RegistrationDate>=PaidMonths.RegistrationDate AND PaidPrem.DueDate>PaidMonths.DueDate AND PaidPrem.MAXPPremiumDebitPk>=PaidMonths.PPremiumDebitPk AND PaidPrem.paidPremium>0) OR (PaidPrem.PolicyNumber=PaidMonths.PolicyNumber AND PaidPrem.RegistrationDate>PaidMonths.RegistrationDate AND PaidPrem.DueDate>PaidMonths.DueDate AND PaidPrem.MAXPPremiumDebitPk>=PaidMonths.PPremiumDebitPk AND PaidPrem.paidPremium<0) GROUP BY PaidPrem.MAXPPremiumDebitPk,PaidPrem.PolicyNumber,PaidMonths.CommencementDate --HAVING MAX(PaidPrem.paidPremium)>0 )X LEFT OUTER JOIN Table PCD ON X.PolicyNumber = PCD.PolicyNumber LEFT OUTER JOIN Table SCC ON PCD.SourceCode = SCC.SourceCodeId LEFT OUTER JOIN Table MAD ON PCD.AgentNumber=MAD.AgentNumber AND PCD.InsuranceCompany=MAD.InsuranceCompany LEFT OUTER JOIN Table GM1 ON MAD.GroupCode=GM1.GroupCode LEFT OUTER JOIN Table EIV2 ON EIV2.EntityNumber = PCD.PolicyNumber -- AND EIV2.EntitySubNumber = PMA.AgentLayerNumber AND EIV2.EntityItemType = 5 AND EIV2.EntityItemSubType = 1 AND EIV2.EntityItemId = 2 AND EIV2.ClosingStatus=0 WHERE X.TotalPaidMonths>=12 AND AgentBusinessTypeSourceCd = '02' AND PCD.InsuranceCompany<>2 AND (CAST(EIV2.EntityItemValue AS INT)=@BranchCodeVAR OR @BranchCodeVAR=0) GROUP BY CAST(EIV2.EntityItemValue AS INT) ORDER BY CAST(EIV2.EntityItemValue AS INT)END* Ignore the commentsI’m afraid I don’t have an execution plan so a really general comment or general feedback would be more than enough. Thanks

    A thing i noticed is that the LEFT JOIN on PCD and EIV2 is in effect an INNER JOIN since the below conditions are being checked in the WHERE clause
    AND PCD.InsuranceCompany<>2
    AND (CAST(EIV2.EntityItemValue AS INT)=@BranchCodeVAR OR @BranchCodeVAR=0)

    reason being->had it been a LEFT JOINed record then the PCD.InsuranceCompany would be NULL and the condition NULL<>2 would mean the records that are NULLed from PCD would never find its way in the query output. in other words only NOT NULL values of PCD would ever be considered int he query output and those which are have <> 2

  • Sorry for the formatting guys. Uploaded from

    The phone and I won’t be doing that again.

    Thank you all for your help, your time and your guidance.

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