Stored procedure changed date

  • Hello

    How can I know the date which the code of a stored procedure is changed?


  • Drop and create are the only way without messing with the system tables. But then you have to redo permissions. Most folks just create a header in the SP and require it to be updated.



    - Purpose: Adjust from GMT to Eastern time zone.

    - Created On: 1/1/2002

    - Created By: Antares686


    - Modified On: 2/1/2003

    - Modified By: Antares686

    - Reason: Invalid calc for time change.


    Something that fits your needs and gives you what you want.

  • As stated, if you drop and re-create the SP then you can run the following to find the date it was created: -

    select crdate from sysobjects where name = 'SPNAME'

    (This field is not updated if you simply modify - from EM for example).


    Andy Jones


  • In the sysobjects table there is a columns called schema_ver. BOL defines it like this:

    Version number that is incremented every time the schema for a table changes.

    If you keep track of this column value, then when it changes, means an object has been altered. You need to remember this column gets reset to 0 when an object is dropped and created.

    Basically there is no way easy to know when an SP has changed, but by building a process to track the value of schema_ver you should be able to tell when an object has been altered.

    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

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