Stored Procedure for paged data like MySQL LIMIT

  • The following code is intended to provide a server side solution for outputing data in pages given any valid SQL statement, the start row and the number of rows to return.

    Could someone please suggest how to change this code to use a temp table that is unique for a given connection?

    I tried using #temp_1 so the table would be deleted if the connection dropped but it would not work. I could possibly use a function to provide a unique string for the name of the temp table but that does not seem to be the best solution.

    I would also be interested in any examples of how this script could be improved.

    CREATE PROCEDURE mp_paged_data

    @sql nvarchar(2000),

    @start_row int = 1,

    @row_limit int = 10,

    @total_rows int = 0 OUTPUT


    -- This works, however code is creating a live temp_1 table in the database

    -- instead of using a #temp_1 temporary table because is just would not work

    -- Better solution maybe to get data into a cursor and loop through it until

    -- desired page of records is found


    -- Run SQL passed as parameter and place in temp table

    SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql,'FROM ' , 'INTO temp_1 FROM ')


    --PRINT @sql

    SET @total_rows = @@ROWCOUNT

    -- Add column to determine row numbers

    ALTER TABLE temp_1


    -- Copy into intermediate table

    -- as row_num was not recognised as a valid column

    -- for a WHERE clause from the first temp table

    SELECT *

    INTO #temp_2

    FROM temp_1

    -- Delete temp table from memory

    DROP TABLE temp_1

    -- Select desired page based on

    -- StartRow and NumRows

    SET ROWCOUNT @row_limit

    SELECT * FROM #temp_2

    WHERE row_num >= @start_row

    ORDER BY row_num

    -- Delete temp table from memory

    DROP TABLE #temp_2


  • Hi Dion!

    You can store the result from a dynamic sql in a temporary table and return it to the user with a simple select on the temporary table. But you need to use a global temporary table (##myTable), not local temporary table (#myTable).

    If you execute the following code:

    SELECT @SQL = 'SELECT myCol1 INTO #myTemp FROM myTable'
    SELECT *
    FROM #myTemp

    You will get the following result:

    Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 4

    Invalid object name '#myTemp'.

    The temporary table #myTemp will be owned of the EXECUTE-statement not by your batch, and only live until the EXECUTE is done. The EXECUTE then return a value if the execute was successful of not.

    If you execute the following code:

    SELECT @SQL = 'SELECT myCol1 INTO ##myTemp FROM myTable'
    SELECT *
    FROM ##myTemp

    You will get the result of the ##myTemp table. This is because the global temporary table will live until nothing in the batch uses that table or connection is dropped.

    Best of luck,


    ___the truth is out there___

    ___the truth is out there___

  •  DECLARE @sql1 nvarchar(4000)
    SET @sql1 = @sql
    SET @sql1 = REPLACE(@sql1,'SELECT' , 'SELECT IDENTITY(int,1,1) as row_num,')
    SET @sql1 = REPLACE(@sql1,'FROM ' , 'INTO #temp FROM ')
    SET @sql1 = @sql1 + ' ' + LEFT(@sql,CHARINDEX(' FROM ',@sql)+5)
    SET @sql1 = @sql1 + '#temp WHERE row_num >= '+CAST(@start_row as varchar)
    SET @sql1 = @sql1 +' AND row_num < '+CAST(@start_row+@row_limit as varchar)
    EXEC sp_executesql @sql1

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • hi!

    why don't use something like that (no need to create a temporary table) - hope i really understood what you want to achieve:

    create procedure sel_from_table_limited
    @p_start_row int,
    @p_row_limit int,
    @p_row_count int output
    declare @v_sql varchar(250)
    set nocount on
    select @v_sql = 'select top ' + cast(@p_row_limit as varchar) + ' *'
    ' from your_table where primary_key not in (' +
    'select top ' + cast(@p_start_row as varchar) + ' primary key' +
    ' from your_table order by primary_key)' +
    ' order by primary_key'
    select @p_row_count = @@rowcount

    best regards,


    Edited by - cneuhold on 07/25/2003 05:20:54 AM

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