Stored Procedure / OpenXML Failure - Can Anyone Help..???

  • Just for the sake of testing change your INSERT INTO query to SELECT INTO TestTable

    That way

    INSERT INTO MarketRiskdev.dbo.Import_Argentina

    SELECT * FROM TestTable

    should work. If it doesn't you will be closer to finding out why.

  • WITH (un_cid varchar(50), tnum nvarchar(50), snum nvarchar(50), cid varchar(50), entityid varchar(50), ctype varchar(50),

      why  varchar(50),

      comp  varchar(50),

      oc  varchar(50),

      bs  varchar(50),

      ae  varchar(50),

      cp  varchar(50),

      trd_date datetime,

      set_date datetime,

      mat_date datetime,

      val_date   datetime,

      trader  varchar(50),

      famt  float(8),

      price  float(8),

      coupon  float(8),

      next_coupon datetime,

      last_coupon datetime,

      cpnfreq  int,

      cpnrate  float,

      cpntype  int,

      daycounttype smallint,

      exch_notion smallint,

      contract_spot float(8),

      base_cur varchar(50),

      year_basis int,

      buy_currency varchar(50),

      buy_currency varchar(50),

      buy_amount float(8),

      sell_currency varchar(50),

      sell_amount float(8),

      [timestamp] varchar(50))


    Code for TallyGenerator

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