Stored Procedure Polymorphism ??

  • Is there any way to change the interpretation of a stored procedure parameters? Let us say,  I have a procedure that takes one parameter, Servername, and returns the details of that server. Now, If I call the procedure with no or null parameter, I would like to return details of all the servers.

    I have the procedure that looks like this:

    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_GetServerServiceListByName @ServerName Varchar(15) = NULL


    IF @ServerName IS NULL

     SELECT ServerName, Environment, ServerRole FROM V_ServerDetail

     ORDER BY ServerName


     SELECT ServerName, Environment, ServerRole FROM V_ServerDetail

     WHERE ServerName = @ServerName

     ORDER BY ServerName


    The problem is, I am going to have a couple more parameters, which would work the same way, ie, if null then return all values for that parameter. Is there any better alternative than running this in a nested loops. Can this be done in a single select statement?

  • hey, this should work:

    SQL for one parameter:

    SELECT ServerName, Environment, ServerRole FROM V_ServerDetail

     WHERE ServerName = @ServerName OR @ServerName IS NULL

     ORDER BY ServerName

    SQL for two parameter(s):

    SELECT ServerName, Environment, ServerRole FROM V_ServerDetail

     WHERE ( (ServerName = @ServerName OR @ServerName IS NULL) AND (Environment = @Environment OR @Environment IS NULL) ) ORDER BY ServerName

    just keep on ANDing and ORing as needed ...


  • Good J..P..

    Sometimes I have implemented something like this:

    SELECT ServerName, Environment, ServerRole FROM V_ServerDetail

     WHERE ServerName = ISNULL( @ServerName, ServerName )

     ORDER BY ServerName

    But your solution is better since it works for NULL columns


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • Interesting reading this after yesterday's excellent article regarding potential pitfalls in the use of the ISNULL function!  Might want to double-check the article to ensure you dion't 'step into' the same mess the author struggled so valiantly with.


  • Thanks to Journeyman and Rockmoose, these are good solutions.


  • The following is what I use to handle optional Parameters:

    SELECT * FROM Customer

    WHERE coalesce(CustName, '') = coalesce( @CustName, CustName, '')

    and coalesce(CustCity, '') = coalesce( @CustCity, CustCity, '')

    and coalesce(CustState, '') = coalesce( @CustState, CustState, '')

    and coalesce(CustZip, '') = coalesce( @CustZip, CustZip, '')

    I use this a lot on SPs behind searching and reporting screens where you can supply various criteria. If you don't supply a parameter all matching data should be returned. (Note that coalesce is like isnull but returns the first non-null value.)

  • Nice mwelcome!

    So now I have to go back and check execution plans etc to find which of these approaches is the most efficient....


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

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