Stored Procedure runs faster in a transaction

  • I have a stored procedure that took 5 minutes to execute. Running profiler showed that it was recompiling (because of temporary tables).

    While trying to eliminate the recompilation, I wrapped the call of the stored procedure in a BEGIN TRAN/ROLLBACK TRAN. Suddenly, the execution dropped to 4 seconds!!


    "EXEC sp_name" takes 5 minutes

    "BEGIN TRAN EXEC sp_name ROLLBACK TRAN" takes only 4 secs

    The difference seems to be in the time taken to recompile. Without the BEGIN/ROLLBACK, each recompilation was taking about 1min, but with the BEGIN/ROLLBACK, each recompilation takes under 1sec.

    The same improvement is seen if I use BEGIN and COMMIT. Also, if I put BEGIN TRAN as the first statement inside the stored procedure, and COMMIT TRAN as the last statement, I see the same improvement.

    I can't post any code, but can anybody explain why I am seeing such a dramatic improvement?



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  • Some of the points below might lead to the answer :-

    1. ISOLATION LEVEL of the query

    2. if the Stored Proc is using many INSERT/UPDATES in it, it might worth looking into the lock/latch level. Is the locking getting escalated because of ISOLATION LEVEL and too many locks.

    3. Concurrency of data access during the time frame while running the SQL QUERY.



  • That's weird!!

    The only thing that I can think of is data may still sit in cache when you re run the proc will run in  seconds.



  • Grasshopper,

    I eliminated any possible caching differences by running dbcc freeproccache and dbcc dropcleanbuffers first.


    I am running the procedure on a machine that is only used by me, so locking and blocking should not be an issue.

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