Stored Procedure to load excel data into sql table

  • Hi, I need to create a stored procedure to do the following task.

    The stored procedure has to read an excel file, then insert data in a temporal table, then compare the temporal table with an existing table and insert rows that not exist and write the rows that already exist in other temporal table.

    Does anyone has some sript to do this?

    Thanks for your help.

    Thanks for your help.


    I need to learn how to create sp's any advice or book suggestions?



  • Have you not looked at using DTS for this task? Seems like it's exactly what DTS was made for.......

    Have Fun


    We need men who can dream of things that never were.

  • I agree, DTS sounds like the way to go.

    With regards to learning about SP's, Ken Hendersons Guru's Guide to T-SQL is excellent and covers so much about T-SQL. There is a book review section on this site under resources and a reveiw of this book can be found here.

    Hope this helps,

    Ed Phillips

    Ed Phillips

  • Actually I'm working with DTS but I need to call this functionality from an asp page, in other words, I have an application that needs to load data from an excel file and then write it into a table in sql server, this task needs to run when user desires.

    Any idea?

    Thanks everyone for your help.

  • Hi,

    You can call a DTS from VB application,I think the same way you can do with ASP also.

  • To answer part of your question: When you have the first Temporal table imported, the code below will add new records to the existing table and add the records that already exist to another temporal table (#Temporal2).

    To test this, run the code to create the tables EXISTING and TEMPORAL1, then execute the two scripts that do the work.

    This process depends on there being a field in the existing and temporal (imported) table that uniquely identifies each record (i.e. a primary key or other unique index field).

    Hope it helps.




    --Create #Temporal2 table and fill with roecords

    --  that exist in the Existing table

    SELECT T1.*

    INTO #Temporal2

    FROM Temporal1 T1

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Existing E

      ON E.PKField = T1.PKField

    WHERE E.PKField is not null

    --Add records to Existing table if they are in Temporal1

    --  but not in Existing

    INSERT INTO Existing

    SELECT T1.PKField, T1.Name

    FROM Temporal1 T1

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Existing E

      ON E.PKField = T1.PKField

    WHERE E.PKField is null


    --Create and populate the Exisiting and Temporal1 tables

    CREATE TABLE Existing (PKField int, Name char(30))


    insert into Existing



    insert into Existing



    insert into Existing



    CREATE TABLE Temporal1 (PKField int, Name char(30))


    insert into Temporal1



    insert into Temporal1



  • Finally, It's working.

    I'm using DTS, I've created my source(xls), my destiny (SQL), Execute Slq Task and I'ts working.


    Thanks everyone  for your advices.

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