Stored Procedure working fine but problem for the last two months

  • Dear Friends,

    In our server we have five databases according to the region wise. We have a employee table which is same as standard employee table. EmpId varchar(25), EmpName varchar(255),ManagerID varchar(25),DeletedSatus bit. We have stored procedure which when executed will list all the employees first manager and his subordinates dept wise and based on the standard conditions coded in the stored procedure. For the past three years we are executing this and there was no problem till now. But our junior database administrator modified some employee's information and we dont have a system to trace it. But the problem now is when ever  we run the stored procedure its running infinitely. From my observation i think he might have modified the table in this manner

    EmpID           EmpName                  ManagerID       DeletedStatus

    E001            Smith                        0                   0

    E002            Alex                         E005               0

    E003            Raju                        E001                0

    E004            Mark                       E002                0                   

    E005            Rakesh                    E004                0

    Suppose if we are retreiving the data.

    E002's manager is E005 and E005 manager is E004 and E004 manager is E002. Which is creating a circular loop. Our table has nearly 3000 employee record's and iam unable to trace where this is happening. Plz help me trace where it is getting into an infinite loop.  Thankyou in advance.

    Chandra Mohan N


    Chandra Mohan[/font]

  • You want help debugging a stored procedure that you didn't post the code for?


  • Dear Michael,

            It just calculates bonus, taxes etc....



    Chandra Mohan[/font]


    Either an employee who has herself/himself as manager, or a larger chain fo managers that creates a "circle".


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Dear Peter,

    Yes my problem is also the same. But when I had checked the table with the condition.

    select * from employee where empid=managerid. But i did not get any results. But I think there is larger chain. But is there any method to find it out.

    Chandra Mohan[/font]

  • You also need to check, for example

    Employee A reports to Employee B.

    Employee B reports to Employee A.


    Employee A reports to Employee B.

    Employee B reports to Employee C.

    Employee C reports to Employee A.


    Do you follow me?


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Dear Peter,

    Yes I had understood. But I had nearly 15 levels of employees. So is there any method to find out where it forming a chain.

    Thanks in advance

    Chandra Mohan N

    Chandra Mohan[/font]

  • Try something like this!

    -- Prepare sample data

    DECLARE @Sample TABLE (EmpID VARCHAR(4), EmpName VARCHAR(10), ManagerID VARCHAR(4), DeletedStatus INT)



    SELECT 'E001', 'Smith', '0', 0 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'E002', 'Alex', 'E005', 0 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'E003', 'Raju', 'E001', 0 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'E004', 'Mark', 'E002', 0 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'E005', 'Rakesh', 'E004', 0

    -- Get all "good" employees

    DECLARE @Stage TABLE (Generation INT, EmpID VARCHAR(4), ManagerID VARCHAR(4))


    @Generation INT


    @Generation = 0



    SELECT 0,



    FROM @Sample

    WHERE ManagerID = '0'



    SET @Generation = @Generation + 1

    INSERT @Stage

    SELECT @Generation,



    FROM @Sample AS s

    WHERE s.ManagerID IN (SELECT x.EmpID FROM @Stage AS x WHERE x.Generation = @Generation - 1) -- Get all "current" managers

    AND s.EmpID NOT IN (SELECT y.EmpID FROM @Stage AS y) -- avoid any level of circular reference





    FROM @Sample AS s

    LEFT JOIN @Stage AS r ON r.EmpID = s.EmpID



    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Dear Peter,

    Thanks for your kind reply. You had given procedure for getting the good employees. But is there any way to detect the employees who are forming a chain.


    Chandra Mohan N

    Chandra Mohan[/font]

  • Yes, the last part posted above




    FROM @Sample AS s

    LEFT JOIN @Stage AS r ON r.EmpID = s.EmpID


    will get you all employees that are not "good".

    Perhaps there is only a few of them?

    The output is EmployeeID and ManagerID. You will see which Employee that has gone "bad".

    This is also the simplest solution, I think,

    There are methods to get each chain, but that require more space and time. Try this first.


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

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