String Functions

  • Hello All

    I am working with some strings that are stored in the database. Not my most favorite thing. But here is what I have and what I am looking for. I have a table that is storing IP Addresses. I would like to be able to select the second and third octet from the IP Address.

    Here is an example:, or

    So I cannot fully use the substring function for this. Since every IP address has a different length. I would like to select the 3, or the 5, or the 25, or the 215 Each IP address does have a period in the string separating the octets.

    Thanks in advance


  • declare @ip varchar(15)

    select @ip=''

    select substring(@ip,(charindex('.',@ip)+1),(len(@ip)-(CHARINDEX ('.',@ip) + CHARINDEX ('.',REVERSE(@ip)))))

    Nuke the site from orbit, its the only way to be sure... :w00t:

  • That is very close. But what I needed was each octet of the IP address in a separate select.

    IP Address =

    like this:

    select the second octet AS secondOctet, third octet AS ThirdOctet, fourth octet AS FourthOctet

    SecondOctet ThirdOctet FourthOctet

    5 215 12

    Thank You for what you gave me, I will work with that and see if I can get the query to return the string in this fashion. Sorry if my first post was not clear about that.

    Thanks again


  • How about ...

    DECLARE @ipList TABLE (ipAddress VARCHAR(15))

    INSERT @ipList



    PARSENAME(ipAddress,4) AS firstOctet,

    PARSENAME(ipAddress,3) AS secondOctet,

    PARSENAME(ipAddress,2) AS thirdOctet,

    PARSENAME(ipAddress,1) AS fourthOctet




    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg
  • Jason... that is brilliant! You have no idea how long I spent trying to substring, charindex... what a mess.

    Todd Carrier
    MCITP - Database Administrator (SQL 2008)
    MCSE: Data Platform (SQL 2012)

  • I learned it from watching these forums.

    It's actually the keyword to parse out object names, and just happens to work with IP addresses.


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg
  • I completely agree. For example i now know to use parsename instead of CHARINDEX AND SUBSTRING to sort out the octets. 🙂

    Nuke the site from orbit, its the only way to be sure... :w00t:

  • Thanks Jason

    That did perfectly, just what I needed.

    Have a good one


  • How about ...


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