string to double calculation

  • i get an error when executing ,

    Select sum(ToDouble(Jan_Hours)) from employeepayments

    where Employer_Number = '2346' and [Year] = '2005'

    the Jan_Hours is an varchar type of column.

    how to get sum(Jan_Hours) + sum(Feb_hours) +

    i also need sum (sum(Jan_Hours) + sum(Feb_hours))

    Query ::

    Select sum(convert(decimal(10,2), Jan_Hours))

    from employeepayments

    where Employer_Number = '2346' and [Year] = '2005'

    Error ::

    Server: Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 2

    Error converting data type varchar to numeric.


    i am working on imported database , so i cannot chnage the datatype of Jan_Hours to int.

  • Most likely you've got some non numeric values in the field. See what this returns

    SELECT Jan_Hours FROM employeepayments WHERE ISNUMERIC(Jan_Hours) = 0

    It's not perfect, isnumeric sometimes returns true for values that can't be cast to a numeric type, but should pick up most.

    As for the sum of varying months, if you have a column Jan_Hours and a column Feb_Hours, then

    SELECT (SUM(Jan_Hours) + SUM(Feb_Hours)) AS TotalOfJanAndFeb FROM employeepayments WHERE ...

    This will also work (but watch out for nulls)

    SELECT SUM(Jan_Hours + Feb_Hours) AS TotalOfJanAndFeb FROM employeepayments WHERE ...

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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