Stumped by SUM query (and requesting help..)

  • Assume the following scenario: a customer wants 10 units A and 20 units B. In stock are (Bad English, I know  ) 8 units A and 15 units B, which happen to stem from 2 different lots. From lot 1 are 10 units assigend, from lot 2 5 units. Of course a very crude simplification...

    I need to have output like (Order, Product, Total_Ordered_amount, Total_Assigned_amount)

    ORDER 1, A, 10, 8 

    ORDER 1, B, 20, 15 

    Without using subqueries I get the following output:

    ORDER 1, A, 10, 8 

    ORDER 1, B, 40, 15 

    ... in which the ordered_amount of product B is doubled due to the two assignments. How can I solve this?

    Thanks for any input.

    Gerry S.

    Used schema, data and queries

    create table Orders (orders_id int, code varchar(10))

    insert into orders select 1, 'ORDER 1'

    create table Details (details_id int, orders_id int, productcode varchar(10), amount int)

    insert into details select 1,1,'A', 10 union select 2,1,'B', 20

    create table assigned (assigned_id int, details_id int, amount int)

    insert into assigned select 1,1,8 union select 2,2,10 union select 3,2,5

    -- desired output with undesired query

    select orders.code, details.productcode, details.amount ordered_amount,

        (select SUM(assigned.amount) from assigned where assigned.details_id = details.details_id ) assigned_amount

        from orders join details on orders.orders_id = details.orders_id

    -- wrong query

    select orders.code, details.productcode, sum(details.amount) ordered_amount, sum(assigned.amount) assigned_amount

        from orders join details on orders.orders_id = details.orders_id

                    join assigned on assigned.details_id = details.details_id

    group by orders.code, details.productcode


    Dutch Anti-RBAR League

  • think you didn't mean to sum by amount.?..

    select o.code, d.productcode, d.amount, sum(a.amount)

    from orders o

    join details d

    on d.orders_id = o.orders_id

    join assigned a

    on a.details_id = d.details_id

    group by o.code, d.productcode, d.amount



  • Jon,

    Thank you for your reply. I am afraid I oversimplified.

    I need per order the total amount ordered and the total amount assigned. Product has nothing to do with it, so I should have left that out.

    Is it possible to obtain the following output?

    (ordercode, total_amount_ordered, total_amount_assigned)

    ORDER 1, 30, 23

    Gerry S.

    Dutch Anti-RBAR League

  • ok - you probably want the sum on your ordered amount on the result of the group by...

    select code as ordercode, sum(ordered_amt) as total_amount_ordered, sum(assigned_amt) as total_amount_assigned


     select o.code, d.productcode, d.amount as ordered_amt, sum(a.amount) as assigned_amt

     from orders o

     join details d

     on d.orders_id = o.orders_id

     join assigned a

     on a.details_id = d.details_id

     group by o.code, d.productcode, d.amount

    ) a

    group by code


  • Jon,

    Aha, I see a pattern emerging. I will look for ways to extend your script (because I also need to sum on amounts delivered,  amounts invoiced). Couls become quite messy

    Thank you very much for your quick reply.

    Gerry S.

    Dutch Anti-RBAR League

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