Stupid crystal reports

  • I've got a task on crystal 8.5 that is bugging the hell out of me.

    I've got a report that calls data from a particular stored procedure, however i want to change the name of the procedure, (or even have the report call a different procedure)

    the only way i've found to do this is to "drop database from report" and then "add database to report" - choosing the new stored procedure

    not too much of a problem, however there is a lot of conditional formatting and customisation of the fields in the report..... and when you drop the original stored procedure from the report - guess what - it removes the bound fields.

    is there a way to just alter the name of the procedure and keep all of the field in my report (assuming that the sp generates the exact same fields)??#


  • short answer is CRYSTAL is a HUGE pain in the @&$&Y and NO, unfortunately, not.

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • I thought so

    Does anyone know if any of the later versions (particularly XI) can do this

    i might be able to persuade teh customer to upgrade


  • We do exactly this process.  We have one report for many stored procedures. 

    We wrote a standard stored procedure which accepts information from a web page.  That information then references a table which contains the names of the all the stored procedures, (as well as fiscal year or other parameters of necessity) and passes that information to the Execute statment.  This information is then returned to the Crystal Report. 

    Keep in mind, if you are using one report for many stored procs, you need to be passing back the same fields, even if you do not always display them... 

    Good luck - it is a pain. 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

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