Style value for MONEY conversion

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to follow an example in BOL using CONVERT so that the numeric data that the query produces will contain a comma every third digit.  The following is the query I'm working with;


     sum(sumTxns) as totalTxns,

     --sum (convert(decimal(15,2),sumSpend, 1 )) as totalSpend

     sum(sumSpend) as totalSpend






      --sum(cast(txns as money)) as sumTxns,

      sum(cast (txns as int)) as sumTxns,

      --sum(round(cast(spend as decimal (15,2)), 5)) as sumSpend

      sum(cast(spend as decimal(15,2))) as sumSpend --2383270341.92(2),

      --sum(cast(spend as money)) as sumSpend

      --sum(spend) as sumSpend




     group by



    as a


    How can I set up 'totalTxns' and 'totalSpend' in the outer query so that I have commas formatted with commas?

    Thank you for your help!


  • in the inner query, cast the values to be a money datatype. then on the outer datatype, peform the following query using the convert function:


     convert(varchar, sum(sumTxns), 1) as totalTxns,

     convert(varchar, sum(sumSpend), 1) as totalSpend

    from (




      sum(cast(txns as money)) as sumTxns,

      sum(cast(spend as money)) as sumSpend




     group by


    ) a

    the 1 is the style of the money type in the convert function. this will give you the commas and decimal that you want...


  • Thank you for your help!


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