Sub Query - Returning too many records

  • Can anybody show me where I am going wrong with this subquery:

    Table with SerialNo, Date and CountValue.  Each day each Serial number may or may not have a CountValue recorded.  I need to find the last Date against each SerialNo that had a value recorded.  Ex., if current date 4 Feb, SerialNo A may have last date of 1 Feb and SerialNo B may have 3 Feb.

    Select Statement returns 2 records correctly:

    SELECT SerialNo, Max(PeriodEndDate), AS EndDate FROM tblAssetUtil Group BY SerialNo

    SubQuery Statement below returns "returned more than 1 value.  This is not permitted".  If I alter it slighly I get too many records being reurned ie., the max statement is not working

    SELECT SerialNo, Max(PeriodEndDate), AS EndDate FROM tblAssetUtil as t1 WHERE SeriaNo = (SELECT SerialNo From tblAssetUtil WHERE t1.PeriodEndDate = tblAssetUtil.PeriodEndDate) Group BY SerialNo

    Many thanks





  • Do your max select in an embedded (temp table) query that you join to

    select ...

       from tablex a

             JOIN ( select key, max( datefield )

                         from tablex where datefield is not null group by key

                    ) b on a.key = b.key


  • There is no MAX statement within your subquery, so I assume that's why you get more than one serialno for each day...


  • Thank you Kenneth and John for your thoughts

    I have tried the Max criteria in both subquery and outer query to no avail.

    John, I have tried your suggestion and the error message has now changed to "error converting datetime from character string".  So this looks like a step forward and will have to review what and how the data is being stored in the db

    Thanks again


  • Hello, Ian:

    If your data looks something like this:

    create table test1 (serialno int, date1 datetime, countvalue int)

    insert test1 values ('1', '02/01/2005',0)

    insert test1 values ('1', '02/03/2005',200)

    insert test1 values ('1', '02/04/2005',200)

    insert test1 values ('1', '02/07/2005',0)

    insert test1 values ('2', '02/05/2005',100)

    insert test1 values ('2', '02/07/2005',200)

    insert test1 values ('3', '02/01/2005',600)

    insert test1 values ('3', '02/02/2005',0)

    insert test1 values ('3', '02/04/2005',200)

    insert test1 values ('4', '02/01/2005',100)

    insert test1 values ('4', '02/02/2005',0)

    insert test1 values ('4', '02/03/2005',0)

    insert test1 values ('4', '02/04/2005',0)


    SELECT serialno, convert(varchar(10),date1,112)as date1, countvalue

    FROM test1

    would yield the results:

    serialno    date1      countvalue 

    ----------- ---------- -----------

    1           20050201   0

    1           20050203   200

    1           20050204   200****

    1           20050207   0

    2           20050205   100

    2           20050207   200****

    3           20050201   600

    3           20050202   0

    3           20050204   200****

    4           20050201   100****

    4           20050202   0

    4           20050203   0

    4           20050204   0

    and if the rows marked with **** are the ones you want, then you could use:

    SELECT serialno, convert(varchar(10),max(date1),112)as date1 

    FROM test1

    WHERE countvalue<>0

    GROUP BY serialno

    which would yield:

    serialno    date1     

    ----------- ----------

    1           20050204

    2           20050207

    3           20050204

    4           20050201


    HTH - Linda

  • Hi Linda

    Thank you for your suggestion above. You fully understand what I am trying to do and we are nearly there, but missing from the final Select statement are the CountValues.  And this is where I have been coming unstuck.

    Using your last select statement and labelling it t1 (this finds the filtered records that are needed)

    SELECT serialno, convert(varchar(10),max(date1),112)as date1 

    FROM test1 as t1

    WHERE countvalue<>0

    GROUP BY serialno

    Then, using this filtered information relook at the table as a whole and bring back the CountValue just for those filtered records with the link being on SerialNo and Date. 

    I believe it is the linking of the above select statement with the next select statement making a subquery.  But perhaps a subquery is not right here?

    SELECT serialno, convert(varchar(10),max(date1),112)as date1 , CountValue

    FROM test1 as t2

    Join on t1.SerialNo = t2.SerialNo and t1.Date = t2.Date

    See what you think




  • An update, .....

    Having reviewed and now understanding John's and Linda's above notes more, I have constructed the following and getting Ambiguous or Invalid column name "PeriodEndDate" which I don't know how to solve.

    SELECT a.SerialNo, Convert(varchar(10),PeriodEndDate,112) as Date CountValue FROM tblAssetUtil as a


    (SELECT SerialNo, Convert(varchar(10),Max(PeriodEndDate),112) as Date FROM tblAssetUtil as b

    WHERE CountValue <>0 GROUP BY SerialNo)

    b on

    a.SerialNo = b.SerialNo and a.PeriodEndDate = b.PeriodEndDate



  • Try this...

    SELECT  x.serialno,



    FROM  (

            SELECT   serialno,

                     max(convert(char(10), date1, 112)) as maxDate 

            FROM     test1

            WHERE    countvalue <> 0

            GROUP BY serialno

          ) x

    JOIN    test1 t

    ON      x.serialno = t.serialno

    AND     x.maxDate  = convert(char(10), t.date1, 112)



  • Kenneth - It Works. 

    The way you have constructed the statement below I have not seen used before, ... so one to fix in "the old memory" for the future

    SELECT  x.serialno,



    Many thanks for this Kenneth and everybody for their contributions




  • It is the same (only written out more complete) that John suggested in the 2nd post in this thread.

    The select between the parens forms a resultset which you can view as a temptable-on-the-fly.

    It's then named as 'x', so you can reference the columns within by the alias x and use it pretty much as a 'normal' table.


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