Subquery: need to retrieve comparison result for additional use

  • Simplified version of problem, new to T-SQL, using VB:

    During a subquery, I need to perform comparisons on ranges to find the correct one and return the corresponding Adjustment for that range.


    TableID          LowA        HighA      AdjA      LowB      HighB     AdjB

    11111             1             10          $5          11          20        $6


    So, if the user inputs 4, it would fall into the "A" range and I would return AdjA, $5.  I realize this isn't fully normalized, but is there any easy solution without changing the table structure?

  • You haven't said anything about What happens if both ranges are overlapped or similar  nor what is the pk of the table so under too many assumptions I am going to give you this quick and dirty way:


    select Q.Adj


    ( select TableID, LowA as Low, HighA as High, AdjA as Adj

             from TableName

            union all

              select TableID, LowB, HighB, AdjA

             from TableName) Q

    where Q.TableID = 11111 and

    UserInPut between Q.Low and Q.High


    * Noel

  • Let me know if this does the trick.



     WHEN @value BETWEEN LowB AND HighB THEN AdjB

     ELSE 0 END AS Return_Value

    FROM Table_Name_Here

  • Thanks cowboy, this worked nicely

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