Subquery with multiple rows inside SELECT

  • Hi there,

    I need to select rows from a table, but include the top 3 rows of another linked table as a single field in the results.

    Here is my basic structure:

    Table: Profiles

    Fields: Id, ProfileName

    Table: Groups

    Fields: Id, GroupName, ProfileId

    I then need to return something like this:


    "Joe Soap","Group1, Group2, Group3"

    Does anyone know how this can be done?


  • Another alternative might be something like:

    table (id int, profileName varchar(12))

    insert into @profiles

    select 1, 'Joe Soap' union all

    select 2, 'Jane Done' union all

    select 3, 'Ben Missing'

    declare @groups table

    (id int, groupName varchar(12), profileId int, orderCriteria int)

    insert into @groups

    select 1, 'Group 1-1', 1, 27 union all

    select 2, 'Group 1-2', 1, 14 union all

    select 3, 'Group 1-3', 1, 14 union all

    select 4, 'Group 1-4', 1, 17 union all

    select 5, 'Group 2-1', 2, 22



    max( case when seq = 1 then rtrim(groupName) else '' end ) +

    max( case when seq = 2 then ', ' + rtrim(groupName) else '' end ) +

    max( case when seq = 3 then ', ' + rtrim(groupName) else '' end )

    as groupName

    from @profiles a

    outer apply

    ( select

    row_number() over( order by orderCriteria, id )

    as Seq,


    from @groups p

    where = p.profileId

    ) as b

    where ( seq <= 3 or seq is null )

    group by profileName

    /* -------- Sample Output: --------

    profileName groupName

    ------------ ----------------------------------------

    Ben Missing

    Jane Done Group 2-1

    Joe Soap Group 1-2, Group 1-3, Group 1-4


  • My first choice would be to create an UDF (I use S2K5) which returns a string with the first n group names, given an ID

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.FirstNGroups (@ID INT, @N INT) -- @ID = ID of profile, @N max number of groups returned




    DECLARE @RES VARCHAR(MAX) -- variable to store the result

    SELECT TOP (@N) -- select then first @n rows

    @RES =

    CASE WHEN @RES IS NULL THEN '' -- on first row, when @res is null, prepend an empty string

    ELSE @RES+',' -- on the next rows add in front of @res the value of @res, a comma and then Group Name

    END + GroupName

    FROM Groups

    WHERE ProfileID = @ID

    ORDER BY GroupName -- order in which the groups will appear in the result




    Then you would use

    SELECT Id, ProfileName, dbo.FirstNGroups(Id, 3) AS Groups -- first 3 group names

    FROM Profiles

  • Thanks guys, much appreciated! 🙂

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