Subscription error - The user or group name not recognized(rsunknownusername)

  • Hi, I am gettting this error while trying to setup subscription.

    The user or group name 'xyz\ajashadi[Unknown]' is not recognized. (rsUnknownUserName)

    here xyz refers my domain and ajashadi is my username.

    by the way, When you see Report Delivery Options before To,CC theres an entry called Owner which is xyz\ajashadi[Unknown]

    If you have any suggestions please respond.

    Thanks in advance.


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I have the same problem when I add a domain group name.

    The user or group name 'GroupNameX' is not recognized. (rsUnknownUserName)

    I tried with Domain/GroupNameX as well and gettign the same message

  • Hi There,

    The same thing is happeing with me.

    If i try and add a domain security group to a folder for report subcriptions i get the same error.

    I can add single users though with no problems.

    Any ideas ?

  • Just thought I should share this with you guys, it was sent to me by another member of SQL Server central:

    This could point to two things:

    1. In order to run a subscription the report must be using pre-defined credentials, so if you have set it up with windows authentication then it might not work. I would usually set up reports that require subscription with a pre-defined user name and password.

    2. When you set up a subscription for a report that requires parameters, you must add the value of those parameters to the subscription, otherwise it won't run.


    Nigel West


  • Its a stock standard report though with no parameters.

    I would like to find an easy way to give everyone access without having to add each indiviual user to the report centre

  • Try creating a shared data source for the reports to run from. And then use the domain\user account for user to view them - which is the windows integrated option.

  • So I've been dealing with this same issue and I'm not 100% sure it's related to what your dealing with, but I believe that the crux of the issue is the type of group you are trying to add. SSRS does not like Distribution groups to be added. Often times there are lazy admins who instead of creating mail-enabled Security groups, will simply create Distribution groups and add them like Sec groups ;-). All that said...

    The Test...

    Create a Global Security group in AD.

    Try to then add it as either a System Administrator or System User using the syntax: DOMAIN\Security Group

    That is what did it for me. I hope you get this figured out.

  • Hi,

    Just to let you know that I had exactly the same issue on SSRS 2008 R2 and Windows 2003 domain, and that the tip provided by jjulson was the solution to my problem.

    Many thanks to jjulson, because I was totally stuck on this...

  • Hi, I had the same issue with [The user or group name 'xxx\123' is not recognized. (rsUnknownUserName)] when editing the subscriptions and also the emails were not being sent, the status was pending.

    I found this that helped me:

    In my case, the owner of the subscriptions, the one who also uploaded the .rdl files was my old login which was now deleted.

    So I followed the steps and replaced in the ReportServer db my old login with my new one.

    Hope this helps someone.

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