Subscription validation

  • Hi!

    I have a table with a field of image type.  Trying to validate it:

    validate subscriptions -> validation options, then combine all possible options variations.  Get a netsend message that subscribers pass data validation.  At the same time I have one (or more) records with empty image field on all subscribers, that is filled on the publisher.  So this procedure does not give pricise result.

    How can I make sure if my data is valid on subscribers?



  • What Replication Model are you using?

    Kindest Regards,

  • This is transactional replication...  And this is all about MS SQL 2000 Ent Ed + sp3...

  • So how are you replicating Image Columns? The only Replication Model that allows you to Replicate the Image and Text/NText DataTypes is Merge Replication!

    Kindest Regards,

  • You can replicate image columns in transactional replication, but the validation that SQL uses it is a count from the table (or the rows columns in sysindexes) and a checksum. But validataion will skip the image/text columns.


    You can create your own validation script using

    CHECKSUM_AGG with BINARY_CHECKSUM. Check in BOL for parameters.

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