Suggestion-QOD problems

  • To all,

    As anyone reading the posts in this forum will realize, sometimes there are problems with the QOD and it's 'correct' answer.

    This ends up causing a huge thread on the question as everyone rants about the error and keeps repeating the same issue over and over. The 'me too' syndrome just wastes space and doesn't add to anything.

    I suggest that from now on we do the following when an incorrect answer is discovered....

    1. Make sure the answer IS incorrect. If you aren't sure, then post that you THINK the answer was wrong and ask for other opinions. But do try to find proof first and go back and check the question and answers again - maybe you overlooked something in the question or answer.

    2. If you can prove the answer is incorrect - by testing, by quoting the BOL or some other source - post the proof and address it to Steve. For example:


       Today's QOD answer is incorrect. The BOL (Full Indexing, creating) shows that the second answer is correct. I also tested this and only the second answer works. Could you please check it and adjust points if you confirm this?


    This 'politeness' will get us 'fixes' quicker than just ranting and Steve won't have to read through a huge amount of posts that all say the same thing. Then once someone posts the 'proof', we shouldn't followup saying "That's right, I agree with posterx. Give me back my points". Let it go, Steve will see the thread and make his decision. But if you have additional proof that will support the original proof, then post it. Steve's busy so by US finding and quoting the 'proof' that backs up our request will help him make a decision quicker.

    Thanks for taking time to read this.....


  • Spot on SQLBill, I heartily second that.

    Having said which, with the questionable quality of some of the recent questions, it has almost become more fun reading some of the pointless rants than thinking about the answer

  • Ouch, questionable quality?

    Some typos and perhaps some you don't agree with, but I'd like to think there aren't that many.

    I'm happy to correct our mistakes, as I'm happy to admin, I'm not patient. Sometimes in setting up a tricky one, I forgot which answer I tested correctly, especially like the 10-28 one.

    It's definitely amusing to me to read some of the rants, though I like when they're debating some point and not my inability to select the correct answer when I load the question.

  • I think it would be quite helpful to have the "proof" in the answer by including references to the appropriate MSDN page, BOL topic, or other on-line article in the answer.

    That would make for robust quality assurance on the answers and short circuit any criticism.

    I would expect only typos, inconsistent bugs, and a very few truly mistaken answers would make it through.

  • I like to read the rants also (well sometimes), but when there's 50 posts and 40 of them just say I want my points back, that's a waste of my time to read through them.

    I also haven't ever noticed anyone who gripes saying "Hey Steve is there any way that I can help out by doing the testing and QCing of the QOD".


  • Hey Steve is there any way that I can help out by doing the testing and QCing of the QOD?


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