Sum 4 weeks sale amount into month

  • Here is the solution I developed to my last post!

    But where did my last post go?

    PROCEDURE [dbo].[AllWorkedHoursByMonthCrosstab2]

    @PPEndDate Date = '2015-12-28'


    --Declare necessary variables




    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    CREATE TABLE #TmpWorkedHours


    HHArea Varchar(50),

    MonthEnd DateTime,

    TotWorkedHours Decimal


    WITH WHList AS


    SELECT TOP 1000 A.HHArea, WH.Weekending,

    SUM(WH.BasicHours + WH.Training + WH.Other ) AS TotWHrs

    FROM TblHHWorkedHours WH

    Left Join TblStaff S

    ON S.PersonnelNo = WH.PersonnelNo

    Left Join TblHHArea A

    ON WH.HHArea= A.ID

    WHERE WH.Weekending Between @PPEndDate and DATEADD(Year,1,@PPEndDate)

    GROUP BY A.HHArea, WH.Weekending

    ORDER By A.HHArea, WH.Weekending


    Tots AS(

    SELECT TOP 1000

    -- Add a row index


    HHArea, WeekEnding, TotWHrs

    FROM WHList

    ORDER By HHArea ,Weekending


    AllData AS


    SELECT TOP 1000 *

    --creates unique int for each 4 rows!

    ,(FLOOR((Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY RowNo)-1)/4)) AS xRank

    FROM Tots

    ORDER BY HHArea , WeekEnding


    FinalSet AS(

    SELECT HHArea, MAX(WeekEnding) AS MonthEnd,

    SUM(TotWHrs) AS TotWorkedHours, SUM(Travel) AS [Travel (Km)]

    FROM AllData

    GROUP BY HHArea, xRank


    INSERT INTO #TmpWorkedHours

    SELECT HHArea,

    DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, MonthEnd ), 0)

    , TotWorkedHours

    FROM FinalSet

    -- Now do Pivot

    --Get unique values of pivot column

    SELECT @PivotColumns = COALESCE(@PivotColumns + ',','') + QUOTENAME(MonthEnd)


    FROM #TmpWorkedHours) AS PivotData

    --Create the Dynamic Query with all the values for

    --Pivot column at runtime

    SET @sqlquery = N'SELECT HHArea, ' + @PivotColumns + '

    FROM #TmpWorkedHours


    FOR MONTHEND IN (' + @PivotColumns + ')) AS P'

    SELECT @sqlquery

    --Execute dynamic query

    EXEC sp_executesql @sqlquery

    If(OBJECT_ID('#TmpWorkedHours') Is Not Null)


    Drop Table #TmpWorkedHours



  • can you please repost the original question....i was looking at this, and I cant find it either !

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • I can't either. Glad you finally got it to work.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Hi,

    My original question was along the lines of I have a table that has three columns

    Table Sales (HHArea, WeekEnding, SalesAmount)

    There are 6 area's with 52 weeks of sales for each area thats a total of 312 rows off data max.

    Starting at the start of the I order by Area and WeekEnding, I wan to sum each area first four week into a month so I will have 13 month per area, that i then wanted to turn into a pivot table.

    Which the solution does.

    kind regards

  • Hi,

    My original question was along the lines of I have a table that has three columns

    Table Sales (HHArea, WeekEnding, SalesAmount)

    There are 6 area's with 52 weeks of sales for each area thats a total of 312 rows off data max.

    Starting at the start of the I order by Area and WeekEnding, I wan to sum each area first four week into a month so I will have 13 month per area, that i then wanted to turn into a pivot table.

    Which the solution does.

    kind regards

  • I'm putting this example of an alternative in for reference by future readers. It uses a WeekNo instead of your week ending date, but the logic is the same. It requires no row number function. If you need to use Dynamic SQL to add specific dates for your column headers, just replace the 'as Period' strings to correspond to the 4 week period ending date.

    declare @Areas tinyint = 6

    declare @Weeks tinyint= 52

    declare @MaxAmt int = 2500

    -- create sample table (#data)

    ;with tally (N) as (select top(1000) row_number() over(order by (select null)) from sys.columns)

    select ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % @Areas + 1 AS AreaNo

    ,ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % @Weeks + 1 as WeekNo

    ,ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % @MaxAmt + 1 as Amt

    into #data

    from tally

    -- query to solve the problem follows

    ;with cte as ( select AreaNo,(WeekNo-1)/4+1 as Week4, count(*) as TotalRows, sum(Amt) as TotalAmt

    from #data

    group by AreaNo,(WeekNo-1)/4+1


    select AreaNo as Area

    , max(Case when Week4 = 1 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period1

    , max(case when week4 = 2 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period2

    , max(case when week4 = 3 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period3

    , max(case when week4 = 4 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period4

    , max(case when week4 = 5 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period5

    , max(case when week4 = 6 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period6

    , max(case when week4 = 7 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period7

    , max(case when week4 = 8 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period8

    , max(case when week4 = 09 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period9

    , max(case when week4 = 10 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period10

    , max(case when week4 = 11 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period11

    , max(case when week4 = 12 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period12

    , max(case when week4 = 13 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period13

    from cte

    group by AreaNo

    order by AreaNo


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Hi Dixie,

    Thanks for that, I am sure there are a number of alternative ways to solve the problem and I am always interested in looking and understanding other ways.

    I was also extending my pivot example to add a Totals row at the bottom by adding a UNION ALL to the sql string and adding another select statement to it.

    If anyone else has found an alternative to this please advise.

    kind regards

  • -- query to solve the problem follows

    ;with cte as ( select AreaNo,(WeekNo-1)/4+1 as Week4, count(*) as TotalRows, sum(Amt) as TotalAmt

    from #data

    group by AreaNo,(WeekNo-1)/4+1


    -- the added ROLLUP is going to produce a totals row with a null AreaNo value

    select isnull(convert(char(5),AreaNo),'Total') as Area

    , max(Case when Week4 = 1 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period1

    , max(case when week4 = 2 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period2

    , max(case when week4 = 3 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period3

    , max(case when week4 = 4 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period4

    , max(case when week4 = 5 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period5

    , max(case when week4 = 6 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period6

    , max(case when week4 = 7 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period7

    , max(case when week4 = 8 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period8

    , max(case when week4 = 09 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period9

    , max(case when week4 = 10 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period10

    , max(case when week4 = 11 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period11

    , max(case when week4 = 12 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period12

    , max(case when week4 = 13 then TotalAmt else null end) as Period13

    from cte

    group by AreaNo WITH ROLLUP -- creates a grand totals row

    order by case when areano is null then 1 else 0 end -- this forces the grand totals row to appear at the bottom

    , AreaNo


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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