sum up the previous date values + display today's date and also the Future dates in the ssrs chart.

  • hi guys ,

    please help me out in resolving this,i have requirement where i am asked to design the chart

    which displays the 'sum of the previous date values for the QTY' and also it as to show the present 'today date qty' Plus the Future dates also in the chart'

    i know the query can be written for it ,but i am not good in writing the sql query ,please help me out how to writ the query for it .

    below is the sample of the sketch that i have attached .

  • what are you future predictions based on?

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • Its like qty booked in advanced so that the values has to appear in the charts ,

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