Switching number with counting

  • I have tried to use Row_Partition and Dense_Rank to get ‘switching number with counting.’

    SQL is quite tough....SPSS/SAS has transpose function. But, SQL does not.

    Sample data:

    declare @tbl table (id int, product char(1))

    insert into @tbl (id, product) values

    (1, 'a'),

    (1, 'a'),

    (1, 'b'),

    (2, 'c'),

    (2, 'c'),

    (2, 'd'),

    (2, 'c'),

    (2, 'd'),

    (2, 'd'),

    (3, 'e'),

    (3, 'e'),

    (3, 'e'),

    (3, 'd'),

    (3, 'd'),

    (3, 'f'),

    (3, 'f'),

    (3, 'g')

    I want to get switching number with counting like:

    1, a, 1

    1, a, 1

    1, b, 2

    2, c, 1

    2, c, 1

    2, d, 2

    2, c, 3

    2, d, 4

    2, d, 4

    3, e, 1

    3, e, 1

    3, e, 1

    3, d, 2

    3, d, 2

    3, f, 3

    3, f, 3

    3, g, 4

    Switching Condition:

    If product <> lag (product) and id =lag(id), count=count+1

    If id<>=lag(id), count=1

    Thanks in advance.

  • that's dense_rank.

    select *, dense_rank() over (partition by id order by product) dr

    from @tbl

    If you need for id of 3 get rank 1 for 'e' and rank 2 for 'd', you will need to do custom ordering which will make 'e' come before 'd'

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  • Actually, I can see now what you want...

    But then you will need to provide a bit more of data. There is no way that SQL will guarantee that inserting in the order eg.

    (2, 'c'),

    (2, 'c'),

    (2, 'd'),

    (2, 'c'),

    (2, 'd')

    will be selected back from the table in the same order.

    Do you have any other column which shows the records order?

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  • Thanks, Eugene Elutin.

    I just did run your sql in my original pos data. It has same result of SAS!

    It works fine!!

  • athens1234 (5/14/2012)

    Thanks, Eugene Elutin.

    I just did run your sql in my original pos data. It has same result of SAS!

    It works fine!!

    Only while you're looking. There is no guarantee of order in a SELECT unless you have an ORDER BY.

    Also, just a hint... if you post your test data so that people who are working in SQL Server 2005 during the day (like me) can load the data, you'll get a lot more help. Using SQL Server 2008 only code cuts the number of people who can help just about in half.

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  • ...

    Only while you're looking. There is no guarantee of order in a SELECT unless you have an ORDER BY.


    It's not applicable for dense_rank, where order is enforced. After second glance, I also thought that he needs a "running total" where the order would need to be enforced, but looks like he was mistaken with his data sample. We might never know for sure...

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  • I checked the dense_tank sql with other sample. I am wrong and stacked

    Sample data:

    create table table2


    key1 varchar(16),

    date varchar(16),

    product_id varchar(16),

    value1 integer


    insert into table2 values ('001','20100505','003',300);

    insert into table2 values ('001','20100615','002',200);

    insert into table2 values ('001','20100716','001',100);

    insert into table2 values ('001','20110813','001',100);

    insert into table2 values ('001','20110923','001',100);

    insert into table2 values ('001','20100403','004',400);

    insert into table2 values ('002','20100612','004',400);

    insert into table2 values ('002','20110503','005',500);

    insert into table2 values ('002','20120103','002',200);

    insert into table2 values ('002','20100403','002',200);

    insert into table2 values ('003','20100612','003',300);

    insert into table2 values ('003','20100831','005',500);

    insert into table2 values ('003','20110214','005',500);

    insert into table2 values ('003','20110603','005',500);

    insert into table2 values ('003','20120803','001',100);

    Run the SQL below.

    select key1, date, product_id, dense_rank() over (partition by key1 order by product_id, date) as product_id_sw

    from table2 order by key1, date;


    key1 date product_id product_id_sw

    ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------------

    001 20100403 004 6

    001 20100505 003 5

    001 20100615 002 4

    001 20100716 001 1

    001 20110813 001 2

    001 20110923 001 3

    002 20100403 002 1

    002 20100612 004 3

    002 20110503 005 4

    002 20120103 002 2

    003 20100612 003 2

    003 20100831 005 3

    003 20110214 005 4

    003 20110603 005 5

    003 20120803 001 1

    The result is wrong. I am stacked

    I want to get switching numbers with counting like:

    key1 date product_id product_id_sw

    ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------------

    001 20100403 004 1

    001 20100505 003 2

    001 20100615 002 3

    001 20100716 001 4

    001 20110813 001 4

    001 20110923 001 4

    002 20100403 002 1

    002 20100612 004 2

    002 20110503 005 3

    002 20120103 002 4

    003 20100612 003 1

    003 20100831 005 2

    003 20110214 005 2

    003 20110603 005 2

    003 20120803 001 3

    I am looking forward to see hints.

    Thanks in advance.

  • It can be done using "Quirky Update" method.

    Read this great article by J. Moden: http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/68467/

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  • Hello Eugene,

    I tried some scripts from the article you listed.

    But, it did not work and is very tough to understand Quirky Update.

    Please help me to write correct scripts.

    Sample Data:

    create table table2


    key1 varchar(16),

    date varchar(16),

    product_id varchar(16),

    value1 integer,

    product_count integer


    insert into table2 values ('001','20100505','003',300,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('001','20100615','002',200,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('001','20100716','001',100,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('001','20110813','001',100,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('001','20110923','001',100,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('001','20100403','004',400,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('002','20100612','004',400,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('002','20110503','005',500,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('002','20120103','002',200,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('002','20100403','002',200,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('003','20100612','003',300,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('003','20100831','005',500,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('003','20110214','005',500,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('003','20110603','005',500,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('003','20120803','001',100,NULL);

    The script I modified

    --===== Declare the working variables

    DECLARE @Prevkey1 INT

    DECLARE @Product_count INT

    Declare @prev_product_id varchar(16)

    --===== Update the running total and running count for this row using the "Quirky

    -- Update" and a "Pseudo-cursor". The order of the UPDATE is controlled by the

    -- order of the clustered index.

    update dbo.table2

    SET @prev_product_id = product_id = CASE

    WHEN product_id<>@prev_product_id and key1=@Prevkey1

    THEN @product_count+1

    ELSE product_id


    @prev_product_id = product_id

    FROM dbo.table2 WITH (TABLOCKX)



    I want to see the table like below

    key1 date product_id product_count

    ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------

    001 20100505 003 1

    001 20100615 002 2

    001 20100716 001 3

    001 20110813 001 3

    001 20110923 001 3

    001 20100403 004 4

    002 20100612 004 1

    002 20110503 005 2

    002 20120103 002 3

    002 20100403 002 3

    003 20100612 003 1

    003 20100831 005 2

    003 20110214 005 2

    003 20110603 005 2

    003 20120803 001 3

    Thanks in advance!

  • select key1, date, product_id, dense_rank() over (partition by key1 order by product_id, date) as product_id_sw

    from table2 order by key1, date;

    take out the date from the order by in over. That is causing the issue.

    Try below,

    select key1, date, product_id, dense_rank() over (partition by key1 order by product_id) as product_id_sw

    from table2 order by key1, date;


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  • You can use two dense_rank here..

    select *,rank_within_key - rank_within_key_and_product + 1 as counting from (

    select key1, date, product_id, dense_rank() over (partition by key1 ,product_id order by date) as rank_within_key_and_product,dense_rank() over (partition by key1 order by date) as rank_within_key

    from table2

    ) dta

    order by key1, date


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  • You again provided insufficient sample of data, so people will advise you to use dens_rank and it's not what you need. If you could confirm the following:

    001 20100403 004 1

    001 20100505 003 2

    001 20100615 002 3

    001 20100716 001 4

    001 20110813 001 4

    001 20110923 001 4

    001 20111020 002 5 (Should it be 5 or 3 here?, if 3, then you can use dense_rank, if 5 - then quirky update)

    I'm not sure if I have time today for more help, however there are a lot people here who can help you with quirky update logic...

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  • You can use two dense_rank here..

    select *,rank_within_key - rank_within_key_and_product + 1 as counting from (

    select key1, date, product_id, dense_rank() over (partition by key1 ,product_id order by date) as rank_within_key_and_product,dense_rank() over (partition by key1 order by date) as rank_within_key

    from table2

    ) dta

    order by key1, date

    You can use row_number instead of dense_rank.


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  • Hi, Gullimeel.

    I did run your

    select key1, date, product_id, dense_rank() over (partition by key1 order by product_id) as product_id_sw

    from table2 order by key1, date;

    Using 'dense_rank'does not count 'switching' product_id.

    Here is a sample of the switching table I want to see.

    key1 product_id product_sw

    001 003 1 (start as 1 count)

    001 002 2 (003 is not previous 002: Count=Count+1)

    001 001 3 (001 is not previous 002: Count=Count+1)

    001 001 3 (001 is same as previous: Count=Count+0)

    001 001 3 (001 is same as previous: Count=Count+0)

    001 004 4 (004 is not previous 001: Count=Count+1)

    002 002 1 (start as 1 count because key1 is new id)

    002 004 2 (004 is not previous 004: Count=Count+1)

    002 005 3 (005 is not previous 004: Count=Count+1)

    002 002 4 (002 is not previous 005: Count=Count+1)

    003 002 1 (start as 1 count becasue key1 is new id)

    003 005 2 (005 is not previous 003: Count=Count+1)

    003 005 2 (005 is same as 005: Count=Count+0)

    003 005 2 (005 is same as 005: Count=Count+0)

    003 001 3 (001 is not previos 005: Count=Count+1)

    Sample Data:

    create table table2


    key1 varchar(16),

    date varchar(16),

    product_id varchar(16),

    value1 integer,

    product_count integer


    insert into table2 values ('001','20100505','003',300,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('001','20100615','002',200,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('001','20100716','001',100,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('001','20110813','001',100,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('001','20110923','001',100,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('001','20100403','004',400,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('002','20100612','002',400,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('002','20110503','004',500,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('002','20120103','005',200,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('002','20100403','002',200,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('003','20100612','002',300,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('003','20100831','005',500,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('003','20110214','005',500,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('003','20110603','005',500,NULL);

    insert into table2 values ('003','20120803','001',100,NULL);

    Thanks in advance

  • Did you try this?

    select *,rank_within_key - rank_within_key_and_product + 1 as counting from (select key1, date, product_id, dense_rank() over (partition by key1 ,product_id order by date) as rank_within_key_and_product,dense_rank() over (partition by key1 order by date) as rank_within_keyfrom table2 ) dtaorder by key1, date


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