sys.server_principals.sid in / not in sys.database_principals

  • I am getting some unexpected results when I run the following queries. The counts are fine and the 'in' is fine. I expect 54 records from the 'not in' query, but I am getting 0. Any ideas what is happening? Your help is greatly appreciated.

    select count(*) from sys.server_principals


    select count(*) from [Database_Name].sys.database_principals


    select *

    from master.sys.server_principals

    where sid in (select sid from [Database_Name].sys.database_principals)


    select *

    from master.sys.server_principals

    where sid in (select sid from [Database_Name].sys.database_principals)

    0 (I expect 69-15 = 54 rows).

  • lwolfe (4/1/2009)

    select count(*) from sys.server_principals


    select count(*) from [Database_Name].sys.database_principals


    select *

    from master.sys.server_principals

    where sid in (select sid from [Database_Name].sys.database_principals)


    select *

    from master.sys.server_principals

    where sid in (select sid from [Database_Name].sys.database_principals)

    0 (I expect 69-15 = 54 rows).

    Did you get the right query in the last one? Looks same as your 3rd one;

    Did you mean:

    SELECT *

    FROM sys.server_principals

    WHERE sid NOT IN (...)?

    I would expect number to be equal or higher not less ... that is there might be users in DATABASE that don't exist in Server because of orphan users and such.



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  • Yes - the second who should read not in. I know there are logins that are not users of that database. I would like to get the list.

  • I think that you are getting bitten by NULL logic.

    This query:

    select *

    from master.sys.server_principals

    where sid NOT in (select sid from [Database_Name].sys.database_principals)

    will not work if there are any NULLs in the SID column of sys.database_principals. What you want to do is to make sure that no NULLs are returned by that subquery:

    select *

    from master.sys.server_principals

    where sid in (select sid from [Database_Name].sys.database_principals

    Where sid is not NULL)

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
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