sysadmin - Integration services

  • Hi,

    we have a cluster setup with several SQL 2008 instances right now. We have added integration services to the cluster nodes, and packages will be stored in the MSDB on each individual SQL instance, according to where the job will be run.

    My question is, will being a Sysadmin on one of the sql instances, give the user access to logon to the integration services via SQL management studio? and if so, will they still only be able to manage packages that have been imported to the server where they are sysadmin?

    If i have completely misunderstood SSIS security, please enlighten me 🙂

    and please excuse any bad or incorrect english grammar.

  • You don't log onto SSIS to access the packages. The packages are typically stored in msdb, though they may be in the file system. The sysadmin can access anything on the instance, so yes, they can get to the packages.

    You can use a password with packages, but if that is required to run the package, i.e., in a job, then the sysadmin can get to it.

  • Then i'm not sure i get how you are supposed to import, export and delete SSIS packages? is there another, more correct way, then to log onto the integration services and import the package? The packages are stored in the MSDB, not on a filesystem.

  • You are confused. You do not log onto Integration Services. SSIS is a part of the SQL Server instance. It has it's own service, but a sysadmin logs onto the instance using SSMS or some other tool (BIDS, command line, etc). They can then save packages into msdb.

  • OK sorry, maybe i need to rethink my words. But yes, i do log onto\connect to\query or whatever you like to call it ( 🙂 ) the integration service using the management studio, and import\export or delete packages. I assume the stored packages i see via the integration services, is actually just the SSIS packages stored in the MSDB

    Now there may be an easy way to import packages directly to the MSDB from BIDS, but not one that i use, or know of, as i don't really spend a lot of time in BIDS.

    If i needed to import a package, and not using BIDS, how would i then go about doing that?

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