Syslogins - Wierd resultsets

  • All,

    I just ran 2 queries in syslogins on the same box and got different results!

    Query 1) select * from syslogins

    Query 2) select name, sysadmin from syslogins

    Query 2 is fine.  However, looking at Query 1, a lot of the members in the System Administrator role have a 0 in the sysadmin column, even tho they have 1 against them when I run the 2nd query!

    I run them both together so the result pane is split in two.

    Any thoughts on this?

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • It seems no one knows. See my post, "How to get all accounts with sa privilege?" One way to get the same results may be to use text output rather than grid output.

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