System gets hung up when I try to run any report

  • My VS 2003 worked fine yesterday.

    Today if I try to run the sql statement in the Data tab it spikes my CPU rating all the way up and it takes a half hour to run. Which I usally just shut the program down.

    If I don't touch anything in the data tab and just preview, works fine.

    I do anything in layout and preview, fine.

    I make changes to the SQL statement in Data and try to save the changes, fine (Sort of).

    I try to then go to layout or preview it hangs ups the system. I shut it down and go back to the data tab and what I thought I saved, didn't.

    I delted the any new report I made yesterday. Shut the system down. Restarted ny computer. Still hangs up.

    I created a new report. That report I can get in there and everythiong works fine.

    Any idea what I can do, run, look at to fix this?

  • Hi,

    Did you use same code to create new report? Your SP might have something which goes into infinite loop. You might have very bigh database and you are using cursor then it mgiht take long time.

    I can just give some suggestion.


  • MY SP? Service Pack?

    The new report it works with is a rather simple report.

    I tried a new, complex one, and it hung up.

    I'm at the point I want to reinstall the complete program cause 99% of my reports get hung up now. Where as a couple of days ago 100% of them did not.

    What are your thoughts with a reinstall?

  • SP is a stored procedure short form. Sorry about it.

  • I'm not that technical. I haven't yet used a stored procedure. Although I've heard alot about them I'm a little weak on that.

    Should I be worried about doing a re-install?

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