System SPID

  • Hi everyone,

         Since October 25 the Server Logs have indicated 25 transaction

         deadlocks. The engine is running ok. Is this an indication of

         an impending problem? If so where should I begin to look for the

         source of a possibe problem? Thanks for eveyone being there to

         help.  SQL2000 SP4



  • You have to look at what else is happening at the same time. Deadlocks usually mean that two transactions are trying to use the same resources at the same time.


  • This is very subjective. You need to consider the size of your db, the movement of data, the number of users, the number of concurrent connection, and a lot more.

    In our case (the database is used by a popular web site), 25 deadlocks in 48hrs is very acceptable.

    Ronald San Juan | SQL DBA
    ID 710124 ~ Code "Northwind"

  • Did you try to execute the following commands?

    dbcc traceon(1204)

    dbcc traceon(1205)

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