t-sql 2012 prefer to not use union all

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    In t-sql 2012, the following sql works when I use a union all statement. However I would prefer not to
    use a union all if at all possible. The problem is there are  a few times when the join does not find anythning.
    When the join occurs there are some cases where attributeID= 997 or 1452, does not have a match by personID.
    The goal is is there is value <>'N' in all cases, the result attributeID value should be set to 3370.
     Select c1.personID
              ,attributeID=case when c2.value = 'N' then 3371 else 3370 end
      from O.dbo.CustC1
      JOIN   O.dbo.Custc2
         on  c2.personID=c1.personID
          and c2.date = c1.date
       and C2.attributeID= 997
      where  C1.attributeID = 1452
      Select c3.personID
     from O.dbo.CustC3
        where  C3.attributeID = 1452
         and c3.personID not in
      (select c4.personID from O.dbo.CustC4
         where c4.attributeID= 997)

    Thus can you modify the sql above to meet my requirement?

  • I'm assuming that it's only one table with 4 different alias. It could be handled by a left join.

    Select c1.personID
      ,attributeID=case when c2.value = 'N' then 3371 else 3370 end
      ,ISNULL( c2.value, '') AS value
    from O.dbo.Cust C1
    JOIN O.dbo.Cust C2 on c2.personID=c1.personID
          and c2.date = c1.date
          and C2.attributeID= 997
    where C1.attributeID = 1452

    Luis C.
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