T-SQL book recommendation

  • Hi, would someone out there provide me the name of a T-SQL book (SQL Server 2000) that they've found to be relevant to typical everyday queries. I'm a junior-intermediate DBA who's trying to improve upon his SQL skills. Ideally I'd like a book that has numerous exercises to work through.

    Appreciate any help.

    thanks .. brad

  • I just bought "The Guru's Guide to Transact-SQL" by Ken Henderson which is very good. I have "Advanced Transact-SQL for SQL Server 2000" by Itzik Ben-Gan & Tom Moreau on my amazon wish list because I've heard really good things about it.

  • Those are good suggestions.

    Also, take a look at the following

    Both of the T-SQL books by Joe Celko.

    Transact-SQL Programming

    by Lee Gould, Andrew Zanevsky, Kevin Kline

    SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example

    by Carlos Rojas, Fernando Guerrero

    Professional SQL Server 2000 Programming

    by Robert Vieira

    Hope this helps

    Phill Carter


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • I am finding that the "The Best of SQLSeverCentral.com 2002" book to be of great value -- and by buying it you can show your support for this site too.


  • Responding to your question about examples to work thru -- I found Joe Celko's "SQL Puzzles and Answers" will give your brain a good workout -- it also gives more than one answer to many of the puzzles. Only 26 bucks and probably less used...


  • If you're looking for T-SQL books I really like the Henderson book mentioned above. Also the Itzik Ben-Gan & Tom Moreau book is, of cource T-SQL specific.

    OPTIMIZING TRANSACT SQL by David Rozenshtein et al. (I must admit I got this because of its statistical and financial stuff for my profession)

    Celko is more ANSI SQL related and maybe more academical oriented, but nonetheless have I become a fan of 'SQL for Smarties'

    Here are some other ones not so T-SQL related:

    - SQL - THE STANDARD HANDBOOK by Stephen John CANNAN and Gerard A. M. OTTEN, McGraw Hill

    - UNDERSTANDING THE NEW SQL by Jim Melton and Alan R. Simon, Morgan Kaufman

    ....aside from reading books, I found it to be a great practice to follow this forum and respond to questions.



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • I have learned a lot by subscribing to the SQLServerCentral daily update and keeping an eye on these forums. Also some great scripts and articles on the site.

  • Guru's Guide to Transact SQL by Henderson. It has many practical examples.

    G. Milner

  • "Guru's Guide to SQL Server Stored Procedures, XML, and HTML" & "Guru's guide to T-SQL" both by Ken Henderson. Both have helped me out in many a situation.

  • Well, this is my first post in this forum. I am curious of others' thoughts on which of the above books most would meet my needs. Or, is there another book you would suggest? I bought the Microsoft SQL-Server 2008 T-SQL Fundamentals book but I find it very sparse in what I need.

    I am a data analyst, not a DBA. I am very good at writing Oracle queries and I am very experienced with Microsoft Access. SQL Server is a little new to me. I am one month into a new job where SQL Server is the primary database that we use. What I mostly need is a reference book.

    Usually, I know what I want to do. I know how to do it in other languages. I just need to find the appropriate command for certain issues and the syntax for them. So, I need a reference book where I can find them easily.

    For example, when I need to convert an date stored as an integer (ex. '20120521') and I want to convert it to a date, I would like to be able to look up the convert/cast functions and see the options and examples or find a better way to do it. It would be nice if there was a chapter/section on date functions with all the date functions, the syntax for them, and examples.

    Or, when I want to write a stored procedure and I am looking to branch my code with a Case statement I want a book that clearly tells me that you can't do that because the Case statement can only be used in Select statements. It took me awhile to realize that you have to use nested If statements instead of Case statements.

    Also, I want a book that tells me different string functions (maybe all in the same chapter) where I can go to when I need to work with strings and need syntax. Like the date function suggestion I had before.

    I am not looking for the book to be limited to SQL functions. I would like the book to have information on writing stored procedures, user defined functions, and triggers, also.

    What book would you suggest?

    Thank you.


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