T-SQL Output Clause

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item T-SQL Output Clause

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  • If, for some reason, you wanted to keep track of work regardless of the transaction state, you could use a table variable instead.

    Table variables exist outside the scope of the transaction, and therefore are not rolled back.

    For example:

    DECLARE @CategoryChanges TABLE

    ( ChangeID int Primary Key Identity

    , CategoryID int

    , OldCategoryName nvarchar(15)

    , NewCategoryName nvarchar(15)

    , ModifiedDate datetime2

    , LoginID nvarchar(30));


    UPDATE Categories

    SET CategoryName = 'Dried Produce'

    OUTPUT inserted.CategoryID, deleted.CategoryName

    , inserted.CategoryName, getdate(), SUSER_SNAME()

    INTO @CategoryChanges

    WHERE CategoryID = 7;

    SELECT * FROM @CategoryChanges --first select statement


    SELECT * FROM @CategoryChanges --second select statement

  • thanks bitbucket...

    i got to know one more difference between temp tables and table variable.

  • :exclamation: I should also caution you about the other way to look at this:

    If you insert/update/delete TABLE variable rows inside a transaction, and subsequently rollback the work, the table variable changes are not rolled back with the transaction. This could lead to data inconsistencies.

    Be careful.

  • I’m sorry, but this question is not a good one. With the information that we got from the question, there is no way that can know how many records will be returned by the first select statement. The only thing that we can know for sure is that the second select statement will not return any records. Since answer included 2 optional answers that said that the second select statement will return no records and the only difference between them was the number of records that will be returned by the first select statement, I think that both of them can be regarded as correct answer.


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  • I don't think that the problem is that we can't know which is correct as Adi says, but that to know which is correct, you have to have Northwind installed, which not everybody does.

  • The question is trying to test the knowledge of temp tables with TSQL transactions, and does it very badly.

    There is not enough information.

    You should not require any database installed on your computer, and in fact should not even try to run the statement to answer for it would be cheating.

    The question sucks.

    There is one answer missing, which is correct -- UNKNOWN.

    M.Sc.IT, M.B.A, MCTS BI 2008, MCITP BI 2008, MCTS SQL Dev, CSM, CDVDM

  • VALEK (1/6/2010)

    The question is trying to test the knowledge of temp tables with TSQL transactions, and does it very badly.

    There is not enough information.

    You should not require any database installed on your computer, and in fact should not even try to run the statement to answer for it would be cheating.

    The question sucks.

    There is one answer missing, which is correct -- UNKNOWN.

    Try not to take the question of the day so personally. I agree that the question has some issues and I didn’t like it, but you don’t have to be so blunt in your message. I also disagree that the only answer that could be correct is unknown. For example let take the same question and give you the fallowing options:

    1) First select statements returned 10 records. Second returned 0 records

    2) First select statement returned 10 records. Second returned 10 records.

    3) First select statement returned 0 records. Second returned 10 records.

    I think that given those options, the correct answer can be the first one (notice that unknown was not in the options).


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  • Tx learned 1 or 2 things & also did it wif a table variable and saw different results as well.

    DECLARE @CategoryChanges TABLE


    ChangeID int Primary Key Identity ,

    CategoryID int ,

    OldCategoryName nvarchar(15),

    NewCategoryName nvarchar(15),

    ModifiedDate datetime,

    LoginID nvarchar(30)



    INSERT @CategoryChanges

    SELECT 1, 'Cat1', 'Cat2', GETDATE(), SUSER_SNAME()

    SELECT * FROM @CategoryChanges


    SELECT * FROM @CategoryChanges

    What you don't know won't hurt you but what you know will make you plan to know better
  • Ideally this question would have included the Categories table with the INSERT to remove the dependency on Northwind. This would also remove any doubt as to the number of records returned.

  • The temporary table does not contain a column "CategoryName". It attempts to update a column that does not exist. It would throw an error, not return rows.

  • IF you have Northwind installed, the statement will update a Northwind Categories table and use the values from the inserted/deleted OUTPUT option to insert into the temp table.

  • Rich Holt (1/6/2010)

    :exclamation: I should also caution you about the other way to look at this:

    If you insert/update/delete TABLE variable rows inside a transaction, and subsequently rollback the work, the table variable changes are not rolled back with the transaction. This could lead to data inconsistencies.

    Be careful.

    I agree, be careful; however, there may be a reason that you want the output from the insert/update/delete regardless of the success/failure of the transactions. If this is the case, then using table variables is required.

  • mjohnson-909671 (1/6/2010)

    The temporary table does not contain a column "CategoryName". It attempts to update a column that does not exist. It would throw an error, not return rows.

    Take a closer look at the code. CategoryName is being updated in the Categories table. The OUTPUT clause is inserting the Old and New Category names into a temporary table as an audit of changes.

  • Ah. Ok. I don't have Northwind installed anywhere.

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