T-SQL Script to render Server DB Sizes (Alloc & Used)

  • I'm in the market for a T-SQL Script to render the following for a given SQL Server 2000 Server:

    All DB Names along with their allocated space & used space.  I know sp_helpfile will do this for a SINGLE DB.  I'm looking for a script to render this for all DB's on a single server in a single invocation.


    DBName      Allocated Space (MB)   Utilized Space (MB)

    Customer                   15000                 13000

    Sales                         40                    10

    Products                     210                    24


    etc ....

    thx in advance!

  • Here is what I run every Sunday evening versus over 100 servers that is at the Database and File group level:

    set nocount on

    create table #DBSpace

    (DbName sysname

    ,FileGroupName sysname

    ,AllocatedMb integer

    ,UsedMb integer

    ,FreeMb integer

    ,FreePercent integer

    ,AutoGrowMb decimal(12,2)

    ,AutoGrowMaxSize integer


    exec master.dbo.sp_MSForEachDb @command1 =

    'dbcc updateusage([?]) with no_infomsgs

    insert into #DBSpace

    select ''?''

    , sysFileGroups.groupname

    , F.AllocatedPages / 128 as AllocatedMb

    , U.UsedPages / 128 as UsedMb

    , (F.AllocatedPages - U.UsedPages) / 128 as FreeMb

    , (F.AllocatedPages - U.UsedPages) * 100

    / F.AllocatedPages as FreePercent

    , CAST(F.GrowthPages / 128.0 as decimal(12,2) ) as AutoGrowMb

    , F.MaxSize as AutoGrowMaxSize

    FROM (select GroupId

    , sum( cast( used as bigint) )

    from [?].dbo.sysindexes

    where indid in (0,1,255)

    group by GroupId

    ) as U ( GroupId , UsedPages)

    join (select GroupId

    , sum(cast( size as bigint) )

    , Max(growth)

    , MAX(case status & 0x100000

    WHEN 0x100000 then Growth * Size / 100 -- Increase in Percentage

    else Growth -- Increase in Pages


    , MAX( case maxsize when -1 then 2147483647 else maxsize end)

    from [?].dbo.sysfiles

    where (status & 64 = 0)

    group by GroupId

    ) as F (GroupId , AllocatedPages, Growth, GrowthPages, maxsize)

    on F.GroupId = U.groupid

    join sysFileGroups

    on sysFileGroups.GroupId = U.groupId


    select CAST( SERVERPROPERTY ('MachineName') as nvarchar(128) ) AS MachineName

    , COALESCE ( CAST( SERVERPROPERTY ('InstanceName') as nvarchar(128) ) , 'Default') AS InstanceName

    , DbName

    , FileGroupName

    , AllocatedMb

    , UsedMb

    , FreeMb

    , FreePercent

    , AutoGrowMb

    , AutoGrowMaxSize

    from #DBSpace

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • What about

    sp_msforeachdb "?..sp_helpfile"


    That would give you the results for every db on that server.

    -- Cory

  • I just tested Carl's script. The result is correct if the data file consists of a single MDF file. For multi-datafiles database it will only report the first file.

  • Why does it not work for multi-datafiles ?

    Please note that it reports by FileGroup, not by File.

    Also, everything is rounded to MBs not Kbs.

    Here is a test case:

    create database SizeTest


    use SizeTest


    select *

    into Foo1

    from syscolumns


    exec sp_spaceused @updateusage = 'true'


    exec sp_helpfile


    exec sp_helpfilegroup


    alter database SizeTest

    ADD FILE ( NAME = SizeTest_2,

    FILENAME = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\data\SizeTest_2.ndf' ,

    SIZE = 5MB,

    MAXSIZE = 100MB,




    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • I ran this as well on one of my servers, nearly all of my DB's have more than one datafile, and I got one datafile to come back as well.  ?

    -- Cory

  • There is no way to report space used by datafile as this information is not in the system tables, only in the space management pages.

    One may get object space usage by file by running DBCC CHECKALLOC but the output would need to be reformated and then translated (object ids into object names and file ids into file names).

    That is why the SQL summarizes by FileGroup.

    Here is the format of the output of CHECKALLOC:

    File 1. Number of extents = 52, used pages = 375, reserved pages = 405.

    File 1 (number of mixed extents = 36, mixed pages = 277).

    Object ID 1, Index ID 0, data extents 0, pages 6, mixed extent pages 6.

    Object ID 1, Index ID 2, index extents 0, pages 4, mixed extent pages 4.

    Object ID 1, Index ID 3, index extents 0, pages 2, mixed extent pages 2.

    Object ID 2, Index ID 0, data extents 0, pages 6, mixed extent pages 6.

    Object ID 2, Index ID 255, index extents 3, pages 23, mixed extent pages 9.

    Object ID 3, Index ID 0, data extents 1, pages 15, mixed extent pages 9.

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

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