Table Based on View Issue

  • I don't know if this is the right forum to post this - but here goes:

    We needed snapshot of Certain portion of our data (third party database&nbsp as of a certain day every 3months.  So the person who set this up created a new database with about 7 tables.  Each of those tables corresponds to a view in the original view in the database.  There is also a stored procedure that has been set up to bring in the new data every 3 months on a specific date. The stored procedure basically does a Select * from view into the table.  However this fails whenever there is a schema change in the view. 

    I am looking to come up with a process that will include updating the table schema based on the changes made to the view.  I am thinking along the lines of creating a new set of tables based on  current views, importing data from the "old" tables into the "new" ones and then updating the "new" tables with new data using the stored procedure.  However I think there should be a better process than this. 

    Any ideas on this is appreciated.




  • Couldn't you create a dts package to copy the views to the new database, dropping them first copying the new ones over each time and creating a schedule to run every 3 months?

  • I am not sure I understand your process correctly.  We would need the "old" snapshot data that has been transferred every quarter for historical report purposes.  We transfer data from our production database on a certian date every quarter and we do not want that data to be updated. 



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