table hung up, it seems. not returning any queries

  • There is a very large table in the database, over 3 million rows.

    Since yesterday, it is not returning any query results. Just says "executing".

    Not sure if this caused it, but I tried to export data out of it yesterday, then stopped that. From reading what it was telling me, it looked like it was saying it was trying to export itself into itself. However, it took at least a few hours for that process to clear off the screen. Said it tried to process 1795 records then stopped. I think what happened is I got interrupted trying to set up the export task, and didn't define the Excel destination, and it defaulted to a SQL Svr destination, but I didn't fill in stuff like table name, etc, for the destination.

    What tools can I use to see what is going on with this table?


  • 1. Do you know SPID #? Are you running it from SSMS? You can get SPID # from the status panel in the botom.

    2. What sys.sysprocesses says about this SPID ?

    3. DBCC inputbuffer(spid).

    4. What is SQL code for it?

    5. Record counts before the run, and now.

    6. Do you have a backup?

  • thanks. Yes, using SSMS.

    That window is closed, so nothing available at bottom of screen. I'll check the processes and see if anything looks familiar.

  • Are you sure that the query is still running ?

  • How could I tell what process was kicked off by me right clicking on the database name, selecting Tasks, then selecting Export Data. Is that Task Manager?

    I assume there is a backup, but people who can help me are spread about the world in different time zones.

  • SQL Guy 1 (4/3/2014)

    Are you sure that the query is still running ?

    They original process was kicked off by right clicking on the db name, selecting tasks, then "Export Data".

    that process is no longer on the screen.

    The other queries that I wrote, trying to access that table, say that they ended when I cancelled them.

  • run 'sp_who2' and see what processes are running under your account. You can then take that SPID and follow SQL Guy 1's instructions.

  • Not sure why or how, but one of the techs in Scotland looked at the table, noticed 3 indexs were fragmented > 95%, reindexed them, and it started working.

    Not sure if it was coincidence or what.

    Regardless, thank you folks for our input. I can use those things for other issues that come up. Appreciate it.

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