Table ownership

  • I work with SQL Server 2000 and I am wondering if there is a way to distinguish users or table creators from others through another method other than there ownership rights.  I am looking to build a stored procedure which will provide a report which identifies tables created by different users regardless of their rights i.e. if you and I both have dbo rights how can I determine who created dbo.table1 & dbo.table2 when one of us created table1 & the other created table2.>>

    Thanks in advance for your help.>>

  • So you want to find out which user really issued the CREATE TABLE command, regardless of any subsequent changes (e.g. via sp_changeobjectowner)?

    Sorry, I have no idea how to do that and I think this info is not stored in the database at all.

  • Not to mention users should not create static tables.


    Code for TallyGenerator

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