Table Update help

  • I need help Updating the table

    Function Main()

    Dim cn '* As New ADODB Connection

     Dim strConn

    dim rs


     Dim strSQL

     Set cn= CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 

     Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

     ' Connection to SQL Server without using ODBC data source

     strConn = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvSServer").Value & ";Uid=ErikDBO;Pwd=" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvSPwd").Value & ";Database=" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvSDB").Value


     cn.Open strConn

     set rs = nothing



     strSQL ="Select intId,IntPArentId , txtCaption, txtTitle, intCompanyID  from tblNavigation where  intCompanyId=  "& compId &""

     Set rs = cn.Execute(strSQL)

     if rs.eof Then

      MsgBox ( "There are no records found")




     'Once we get a record we can create a connection object and do the Update

     dim txtTitle

     dim strConn2

     Dim dcn '* As New ADODB Connection

     set dcn =CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection")

     Set rs2 = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")



     strConn2= "Driver={SQL Server};Server=" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvDServer").Value & ";Uid=ErikDBO;Pwd=" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvDPwd").Value & ";Database=" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvDDB").Value StrConn2

     while not rs.eof







     Dim strSql2




     dim strNewTitle

     strNewTitle = Replace(txtTitle, "'", "''")

     strNewTitle = replace(strNewTitle, "/", "-")

     strNewCaption=Replace(txtCaption, "'", "''")

     strNewCaption = replace(strNewCaption, "/", "-")


     strSql2=" Create TABLE #TempNavigation  (intid int , intParentId int, txtCaption varchar (255) ,txtTitle varchar (255), intCompanyId int)" &_

      " Insert into #TempNavigation (intId, intParentId, txtCaption,txtTitle,intCompanyId) Values (" & intId & ", " & intParentId & ", '" & strNewCaption & "', '" & strNewTitle & "', " & compId & ") "&_

      " Update dn SET intParentId=dn2.intID FROM tblNavigation dn Inner join #TempNavigation sn on sn.intParentId=dn.intParentId " &_

       " Inner join #TempNavigation sn2 on sn.intParentId=sn2.intId" &_

       " Inner join tblNavigation dn2 on dn2.txtCaption=sn2.txtCaption and dn2.txtTitle=sn2.txtTitle" &_

       " where sn.intCompanyId= " & compId & " and sn2.intCompanyId= " & compId & " AND dn.intCompanyId = " & newCompId & " AND dn2.intCompanyId= " & newCompId &"" &_

       " Drop Table #TempNavigation"


     dcn.Execute (strSql2)





     Msgbox strSql2

      set rs = nothing


       set cn = nothing 


      set dcn=nothing

    End if


    End Function


    Kindest Regards,

    Web programmer

  • It's kind of hard for us to help you if we don't know what's going wrong with your code!!

  • I am trying to update the table Since I already copied data the Id's on thedestination tables has been changed

    Kindest Regards,

    Web programmer

  • Why not simply drop the destination table first, and then reimport it?

  • Because the table contains other data

    Kindest Regards,

    Web programmer

  • What error are you getting?

    What is not going on as you'd want it to go?

  • it does not give me any error it just does not update the table

    Kindest Regards,

    Web programmer

  • Why are you not joining simply on the id column(s)?


    Try changing the update query to a select and see if it returns row(s) (which I would think not).

    If no rows are returned, start rebuilding the statment one join at the time and run at each table you add.  That will tell you where things are going wrong.

  • This is mighty convoluted process for a single statement being sent to the database:

    strSql2=" Create TABLE #TempNavigation  (intid int , intParentId int, txtCaption varchar (255) ,txtTitle varchar (255), intCompanyId int)" &_

      " Insert into #TempNavigation (intId, intParentId, txtCaption,txtTitle,intCompanyId) Values (" & intId & ", " & intParentId & ", '" & strNewCaption & "', '" & strNewTitle & "', " & compId & ") "&_

      " Update dn SET intParentId=dn2.intID FROM tblNavigation dn Inner join #TempNavigation sn on sn.intParentId=dn.intParentId " &_

       " Inner join #TempNavigation sn2 on sn.intParentId=sn2.intId" &_

       " Inner join tblNavigation dn2 on dn2.txtCaption=sn2.txtCaption and dn2.txtTitle=sn2.txtTitle" &_

       " where sn.intCompanyId= " & compId & " and sn2.intCompanyId= " & compId & " AND dn.intCompanyId = " & newCompId & " AND dn2.intCompanyId= " & newCompId &"" &_

       " Drop Table #TempNavigation"

    I'm assuming it is the "Update dn" portion that you are concerned with and what is failing?

    As long as you continue to use the same connection you could bust that up into multile statements (it would be easier to debug)

    I would recommend you get a set of "test" data and then run a manual test with the above statement in Query Analyzer (or Management Studio).  It is most likely one of the "INNER JOINS" is failing to find a match and nothing is pulled back that is capable of actually performing the update.

    So my recommendation is manually test each step with test data, outside the DTS area.


  • I broke the query down but still unable to update the table

    Function Main()

    Dim cn '* As New ADODB Connection

    Dim strConn

    dim rs

    Dim strSQL

    Set cn= CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

    ' Connection to SQL Server without using ODBC data source

    strConn = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvSServer").Value & ";Uid=ErikDBO;Pwd=" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvSPwd").Value & ";Database=" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvSDB").Value

    cn.Open strConn

    set rs = nothing


    strSQL ="Select intId,IntPArentId , txtCaption, txtTitle, intCompanyID from tblNavigation where intCompanyId= "& compId &""

    Set rs = cn.Execute(strSQL)

    if rs.eof Then

    MsgBox ( "There are no records found")



    'Once we get a record we can create a connection object and do the Update

    dim txtTitle

    dim strConn2

    Dim dcn '* As New ADODB Connection

    set dcn =CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection")

    Set rs2 = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

    strConn2= "Driver={SQL Server};Server=" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvDServer").Value & ";Uid=ErikDBO;Pwd=" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvDPwd").Value & ";Database=" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvDDB").Value StrConn2

    while not rs.eof







    Dim strSql2


    dim strNewTitle

    strNewTitle = Replace(txtTitle, "'", "''")

    strNewTitle = replace(strNewTitle, "/", "-")

    strNewCaption=Replace(txtCaption, "'", "''")

    strNewCaption = replace(strNewCaption, "/", "-")

     strSql2=" Create TABLE #TempNavigation (intid int , intParentId int, txtCaption varchar (255) ,txtTitle varchar (255), intCompanyId int)"


    Dim strSql3

     strSql3=" Insert into #TempNavigation (intId, intParentId, txtCaption,txtTitle,intCompanyId) Values (" & intId & ", " & intParentId & ", '" & strNewCaption & "', '" & strNewTitle & "', " & compId & ") "

    dcn.Execute (strSql3)

     Dim strSql4

          strSql4=" Update dn SET intParentId=dn2.intID FROM tblNavigation dn" &_

     " Inner join #TempNavigation sn on sn.intParentId=dn.intParentId " &_

     " Inner join #TempNavigation sn2 on sn.intParentId=sn2.intId" &_

     " Inner join tblNavigation dn2 on dn2.txtCaption=sn2.txtCaption and dn2.txtTitle=sn2.txtTitle" &_

     " where sn.intCompanyId= " & compId & " and sn2.intCompanyId= " & compId & " AND dn.intCompanyId = " & newCompId & " AND dn2.intCompanyId= " & newCompId &""


     dcn.Execute (strSql4)

    Dim strSql5

    strSql5= " Drop Table #TempNavigation"

    dcn.Execute (strSql5)



    set rs = nothing


    set cn = nothing


    set dcn=nothing

    End if


    End Function

    Kindest Regards,

    Web programmer

  • What JLK said is correct.  You need to test your update statement in Query Analyzer. Simply use a select statement instead of an update.

    I believe that you'll find that your select returns zero records.

    Keep modifying your select until it returns the record you need and then modify your update statement.

    And why 'web programmer' are you doing all this inside a DTS? 

    Write 2 procs for use in your webpage and do your if test in the webpage. 

    If the 1st proc finds a record then use the second proc to do the update.

    Simply pass all your fields to the update proc.  A heck of a lot less overhead and the procs would be optimized, where as your dynamic sql is not optimized and requires an recompile each time it is executed.

    At least call the procs in the DTS instead of using the dynamic sql.



  • I am a web programmer I am just doing this on the back end.

    I wrote stored procedures and they worked, but the company does not want to use SP. So I put the SP into the query

    Kindest Regards,

    Web programmer

  • Ok, that is a little better.  From your code, it appears that only A SINGLE record is being inserted into TEMP table.  You then go and join that single record to itself, why?  Are you by any chance expecting that temp table will have more than one row?  I would GUESS this is the current point of failure. 



  • How can fix the problem so it will populate all the data

    Kindest Regards,

    Web programmer

  • I'm just guessing based on your code but change the script to look like this: (Please note my comments, marked with '***)

    Function Main()

     Dim cn '* As New ADODB Connection

     Dim strConn

     dim rs


     Dim strSQL

     Set cn= CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

     Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") '*** SINCE you destroy this 4 lines later WHY BOTHER


     ' Connection to SQL Server without using ODBC data source

     strConn = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvSServer").Value & ";Uid=ErikDBO;Pwd=" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvSPwd").Value & ";Database=" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvSDB").Value


     cn.Open strConn

     set rs = nothing




     strSQL ="Select intId,IntPArentId , txtCaption, txtTitle, intCompanyID from tblNavigation where intCompanyId= "& compId &""

     Set rs = cn.Execute(strSQL)


     if rs.eof Then

      MsgBox ( "There are no records found")




      'Once we get a record we can create a connection object and do the Update

      dim txtTitle

      dim strConn2

      Dim dcn '* As New ADODB Connection

      set dcn =CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection")

      Set rs2 = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") '*** WHAT IS THIS FOR IS IT EVER USED****



      strConn2= "Driver={SQL Server};Server=" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvDServer").Value & ";Uid=ErikDBO;Pwd=" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvDPwd").Value & ";Database=" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvDDB").Value StrConn2



      Dim strSql2

      strSql2=" Create TABLE #TempNavigation (intid int , intParentId int, txtCaption varchar (255) ,txtTitle varchar (255), intCompanyId int)"



      while not rs.eof









       dim strNewTitle

       strNewTitle = Replace(txtTitle, "'", "''")

       strNewTitle = replace(strNewTitle, "/", "-")

       strNewCaption=Replace(txtCaption, "'", "''")

       strNewCaption = replace(strNewCaption, "/", "-")


       Dim strSql3

       strSql3=" Insert into #TempNavigation (intId, intParentId, txtCaption,txtTitle,intCompanyId) Values (" & intId & ", " & intParentId & ", '" & strNewCaption & "', '" & strNewTitle & "', " & compId & ") "

       dcn.Execute (strSql3)




      set rs = nothing



       Dim strSql4

            strSql4=" Update dn SET intParentId=dn2.intID FROM tblNavigation dn" &_

       " Inner join #TempNavigation sn on sn.intParentId=dn.intParentId " &_

       " Inner join #TempNavigation sn2 on sn.intParentId=sn2.intId" &_

       " Inner join tblNavigation dn2 on dn2.txtCaption=sn2.txtCaption and dn2.txtTitle=sn2.txtTitle" &_

       " where sn.intCompanyId= " & compId & " and sn2.intCompanyId= " & compId & " AND dn.intCompanyId = " & newCompId & " AND dn2.intCompanyId= " & newCompId &""


       dcn.Execute (strSql4)



      Dim strSql5

      strSql5= " Drop Table #TempNavigation"

      dcn.Execute (strSql5)



      set cn = nothing


      set dcn=nothing

     End if




    End Function


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