tables and datafiles

  • i understand you can create tables within certain filegroups,

    but when looking over the data files...

    how can you tell on which data file your tables are located?

    suppose i have 4 data files...

    data1.mdf 3000 mb

    data2.ndf 2000 mb

    data3.ndf 1000 mb

    data4.ndf 6000 mb

    i've got hundreds of tables. so where/how are the spread

    across these data files? are they located in 1, or 2 or

    both, all whatever.

    is there a query i can run to find out?

    thanks in advance.


  • Hi, BOL Article Using Files and Filegroups says:

    "Filegroups use a proportional fill strategy across all the files within each filegroup. As data is written to the filegroup, the database engine writes an amount proportional to the free space in the file to each file within the filegroup, instead of writing all the data to the first file until full. It then writes to the next file. "

    It is not like different tables are in different files, all files are filled up proportionally.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • i'm checking the bol now, and seems what

    i need to do is force population of other filegroups.

    thanks yelena.


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