Tables Join Problem

  • Hello All

    Sorry if this is a bit of a basic question for most of you but I'm having a bit of trouble with a query I'm writing.

    The query I have so far is as follows

    select pl.PracticeCode, pl.practicename, u.username, a.testid

    from practicelookup pl inner join user u

    on (pl.PracticeCode = left(u.username, 5))

    left outer join testaudit A on u.userid = a.userid

    where Month(a.eventtime) = 06

    AND Year(a.eventtime)= 2008

    order by practicecode

    What I'm trying to do is get all values from praticelookup and user where the first join matches and then list these with all details in the testaudit table for June this year. The problem is when I add the where clause it filers out all practicelooup tables where no entry is available for testaudit. e.g. I'm getting


    1 rt ty 12

    when I really want


    1 rt ty 12

    2 rt ty 0

    Hope this makes sense, but any help would really help me.



  • Welcome.

    First, please read this -

    If you can give us your table structure, a sample of the data in it and an indication of the results you want, I'm sue someone will help you very quickly.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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  • be sure to include the objects schema ! (even if it is dbo)

    don't use reserved words in your objects or always use brackets !

    In your case it was object "user" that messed it up !

    select pl.PracticeCode

    , pl.practicename

    , u.username

    , a.testid

    from dbo.practicelookup pl

    inner join dbo. u

    on ( pl.PracticeCode = left(u.username, 5) )

    left outer join dbo.testaudit A

    on u.userid = a.userid

    where Month(a.eventtime) = 06

    AND Year(a.eventtime) = 2008

    order by pl.PracticeCode


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  • I can give you a hint, but like the others say, for a real solution, more information would be handy.

    The hint is that in your where clause, you are forcing your join into becoming an inner join. In other words, only those records that match the join condition will ever have a value of 06 or a year.

    So, move the where clause into the join. Something like

    select pl.PracticeCode, pl.practicename, u.username, a.testid

    from practicelookup pl inner join user u

    on (pl.PracticeCode = left(u.username, 5))

    left outer join testaudit A on u.userid = a.userid AND Month(a.eventtime) = 06 AND Year(a.eventtime)= 2008

    order by practicecode

    This will return all the practicelookup records with matching user records. It will return a null testid, unless there is a match on userid with a june/2008 value.

    The other way to do it is to keep the where clause, but make the where clause allow for null values as well as 06/2008.

    Hope that helps!


  • Hi.,

    Can you post the table structure with some sample data and your required output..


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