Tabular Cube Partitions

  • Hi All,

    We have a partitions on one of the big fact table and client wants us to delete two columns from previous year partitions for this table and keep these two columns for current financial year. There are other columns in partition query which we want to keep in all year partitions.

    Thing is that we can not keep different number of columns in partition query created for the same table.
    Please let us know how to approach for this development?


  • I don't think you can have different partition structures. In SQL Server I know you can't but SSAS I'm not as sure, but still pretty sure. However, since compression is based on cardinality if you're trying to save space just set the columns to null or some other value that is the same.

  • I don't think it is possible at fact table level. can you just update those 2 columns with NULL values for those old financial year, if number of records not very large..

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