Taking Stock of Your Career

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Taking Stock of Your Career

  • While I was in college studying sociology I had a job stocking shelves and making deliveries for an office supply company.   One day my boss, Bob Hensley asked me if I had ever done any bookkeeping or accounting.  I said no, but that I was sure I could learn.  He gave me the position, and soon I was managing credit for the company.   When I graduated and moved on to another school to begin a masters program, I got the same position in another location for the same company.  On leaving school, I took the one and only job I ever held in my field of study, and this job lasted a total of ten months before I went back to credit management at a salary of $450 a month.

    Then I met Bob Maple who worked for Bendix Corp as a programming group leader.  I had never even seen a computer, but he had me visit his workplace and while I was there on a Monday he gave me some sort of aptitude test.  That Friday evening I got a call from the Bendix HR department offering me a position to learn programming at $650 a month, which was a phenomenal increase for those times.

    In another company we had just finished a large project taking many extra hours and weekends.  One of the company owners called me to his office and told me I should make travel arrangements for my wife and I to go to Hawaii for two weeks at company expense.

    On the other end of my career, I was one of the two oldest DBA's in the company which was doing staff reduction, took an early retirement offer and left town for my mountain cabin in the Rockies.  It was only about five or six weeks later that I got a message from my last boss wondering if I would come back to work.

    We negotiated a nice arrangement whereby I got a large salary increase, was exempted from spending a lot of time in meetings, and could take unpaid time off to spend at my cabin.   This added another three years to my career I thought was over.

    I wonder what are the odds of all of this happening to me?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by  skeleton567.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by  skeleton567.


    One of the best days of my IT career was the day I told my boss if the problem was so simple he should go fix it himself.

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