Talking baseball

  • Ray K (2/11/2015)

    Was just wondering: would there be any interest from anyone here in playing fantasy baseball?

    As much as I would love to participate in a fantasy baseball league, I lack the bandwidth to manage that activity 🙁

    Another week or so before pitchers and catchers report! I'm starting to get the feeling of baseball again, love it!

    What's interesting with A-rod is that none of the stories reported on what was said in the meeting. It hasn't been made public what he apologized for. They summarize it as he apologized to the Yankees. For suing them? For lying to them? For taking steroids? For wasting their time and money? He should be apologizing to fans for lying and crushing the hopes and dreams of little leaguers around the world!

    Go away A-rod, just forget about your $60 million and go away. Not going to happen.

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  • So he hand writes a letter of apology. Not surprisingly, he doesn't say what he is apologizing for. Takes responsibility for actions and regrets mistakes but never utters a true apologetic phrase like "I'm sorry for

      ". He gets close with "I served the longest suspension in the history of the league for PED use." but never admits to using and certainly doesn't apologize for it.

      Moving on.

      Pitchers and catchers report today! Some huge changes in store for this season.

      Lester went to the Cubs where he'll be coached by Joe Maddon (Former Rays head coach). This will be interesting to see how effective his coaching style was in Tampa and how much it helped/didn't help the team.

      Max Scherzer in Washington adds to their beefy rotation. I hope they do well this year.

      The Red Sox add Hanley Ramirez and Panda to their lineup, this should make for some amazing run totals for the year. I still don't have complete confidence in Ortiz's ability to stay healthy and I still believe he is overvalued.

      First spring training games are in just a couple weeks, what are you guys looking forward to this year?

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    1. calvo (2/18/2015)

      First spring training games are in just a couple weeks, what are you guys looking forward to this year?

      Quite honestly, just the simple crack of the bat, especially after this winter! 🙂

      Check out my blog at

    2. It is amazing how such simple sounds define a sport and I think baseball is unique in this aspect. The crack of the bat hitting a ball or the snap of the glove catching a pitch, these sounds are singular, clear, and crisp and demand attention. With basketball you have the squeak of shoes on the hardwood and the buzzer for quarters and shot clocks. The squeaks are unique among sports but turns into white noise during the game and the buzzer grabs your attention but only heard sparingly. Hockey has the scrape of skates on the ice, the smack of a slapshot, and the klink of the metal post being struck by the puck.

      Baseball stands out in this sensory aspect and is one reason I enjoy the sport so much.

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    3. Ray K (2/18/2015)

      calvo (2/18/2015)

      First spring training games are in just a couple weeks, what are you guys looking forward to this year?

      Quite honestly, just the simple crack of the bat, especially after this winter! 🙂

      After missing last year (no A-Rod HGH issues. Just a bum knee), it was good to get out a couple weeks ago and throw and swing a bat. Surprisingly I hit well.

      Now to try and sneak out there Sun again.

    4. Did you find a team?

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    5. Steve Jones - SSC Editor (2/18/2015)

      Ray K (2/18/2015)

      calvo (2/18/2015)

      First spring training games are in just a couple weeks, what are you guys looking forward to this year?

      Quite honestly, just the simple crack of the bat, especially after this winter! 🙂

      After missing last year (no A-Rod HGH issues. Just a bum knee), it was good to get out a couple weeks ago and throw and swing a bat. Surprisingly I hit well.

      Now to try and sneak out there Sun again.

      Well, okay, I'll also admit to looking forward to going to the ballpark (the Single-A Tri-City ValleyCats is only a mile from my house) on a nice (read: not humid -- humidity and I don't get along) summer evening and sitting there with a hot dog in one hand, a beer in the other, and a scorecard in my lap.

      And of course, I'll have to plan my usual excursions to the Big Ballpark In the Bronx this summer!

      (While I'm at it, hey calvo: Go Yankees!!! 😀 :hehe: :-P)

      Check out my blog at

    6. Looking forward to the season starting up again. Although my Red's I don't think are going to be that good. All star game is in Cincinnati for the first time since 1988

      though. 😀

    7. Interesting article. ESPN ranked all 30 MLB teams. Here are the teams they ranked 6 through 1. They also have links so you can see the other 24.

      I'm sure just about everyone here will disagree with these rankings. What are your thoughts?

      Also, in case you missed it, Jason Giambi has called it a career. Thanks for everything, Jason, and best wishes to you.

      Check out my blog at

    8. calvo (2/18/2015)

      Did you find a team?

      I did. An older guy that I thought had dropped out of the league came back (from cancer) and started a new team. I pinged the league, and they gave me his number. He's scrapped together 12 people from various other teams, a few of which I've played against, a few from another league.

      Lots of infielders and they had me sharing time with a relief pitcher at first. I suspect I'll be at first quite a bit and have to fight a bit to get over to SS/3rd.

    9. Ray K (2/18/2015)

      Interesting article. ESPN ranked all 30 MLB teams. Here are the teams they ranked 6 through 1. They also have links so you can see the other 24.

      I'm sure just about everyone here will disagree with these rankings. What are your thoughts?

      Also, in case you missed it, Jason Giambi has called it a career. Thanks for everything, Jason, and best wishes to you.

      Quite a list. Would not have expected the smaller teams to be in there.

      We'll see how it goes. Should check that list in July and in Sept

    10. NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      I despise and oppose ANY idea that involves implementing a clock in baseball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Stop messing up my game!!!

      Check out my blog at

    11. Funny. I would bet the pace of the game from 1981 until now has a significant jump in commercial time... they CERTAINLY won't cut that!

    12. I think the pace needs work. I understand it can cause issues, but I tell you from a player's standpoint, I hate slow pitches, and from a fan's standpoint, it sucks.

      In football we have clock, and it adds some excitement when it gets low. Defense offside, offense getting excited. Could see the same thing in baseball with runners stealing. I'd hate to limit throws to first, but I would hate to see pitchers making 10 throws just to slow things.

    13. There are some pitchers that work extremely slow... some players that take way too many adjustments between every single pitch. Don't know how you can limit those without changing the game though. The play review i think in some incidents needs to have a time on it. Some of the reviews take way too long. If it is a technology issue then they need to do what they can to get the reviews to the Umps quicker.

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